Isis 3 Programmer Reference
Isis::ProcessExport Class Reference

Process class for exporting cubes. More...

#include <ProcessExport.h>

Inheritance diagram for Isis::ProcessExport:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for Isis::ProcessExport:
Collaboration graph

Public Types

enum  ExportFormat { BSQ, BIL, BIP, JP2 }
 Storage order enumeration. More...

Public Member Functions

 ProcessExport ()
 Constructs an Export object. More...
virtual ~ProcessExport ()
 Destructor. More...
virtual void StartProcess (void funct(Isis::Buffer &in))
 This method invokes the process operation over a single input cube. More...
virtual void StartProcess (void funct(std::vector< Isis::Buffer *> &in))
virtual void StartProcess (std::ofstream &fout)
 Write an entire cube to an output file stream. More...
void SetOutputRange (const double minimum, const double maximum)
 Set output pixel range in Buffer. More...
void SetOutputNull (const double value)
 Set output special pixel value for NULL. More...
void SetOutputLis (const double value)
 Set output special pixel value for LIS. More...
void SetOutputLrs (const double value)
 Set output special pixel value for LRS. More...
void SetOutputHis (const double value)
 Set output special pixel value for HIS. More...
void SetOutputHrs (const double value)
 Set output special pixel value for HRS. More...
double OutputNull ()
 Return the output special pixel value for NULL. More...
double OutputLis ()
 Return the output special pixel value for LIS. More...
double OutputLrs ()
 Return the output special pixel value for LRS. More...
double OutputHis ()
 Return the output special pixel value for HIS. More...
double OutputHrs ()
 Return the output special pixel value for HRS. More...
bool HasInputRange () const
void SetInputRange ()
 Set input pixel range from user. More...
void SetInputRange (const double minimum, const double maximum)
 Set input pixel range from to a linear stretch. More...
void SetInputRange (const double minimum, const double maximum, const int index)
 Set input pixel range from to a linear stretch. More...
void SetInputRange (const double minimum, const double middle, const double maximum)
 Set input pixel range from to a piecewise linear stretch. More...
void SetInputRange (const double minimum, const double middle, const double maximum, const int index)
 Set input pixel range from to a piecewise linear stretch. More...
void CreateWorldFile (const QString &worldFile)
 Create a standard world file for the input cube. More...
void SetOutputEndian (enum ByteOrder endianness)
 Set byte endianness of the output cube. More...
void SetOutputType (Isis::PixelType pixelIn)
 Set output pixel bit type in Buffer. More...
void setCanGenerateChecksum (bool flag)
 Set m_canGenerateChecksum which determines if we can generate a MD5 checksum on the image data. More...
bool canGenerateChecksum ()
 Return if we can generate a checksum More...
QString checksum ()
 Generates a file checksum. More...
double GetInputMinimum (unsigned int n=0) const
 Get the valid minimum pixel value for the Nth input cube. More...
double GetInputMaximum (unsigned int n=0) const
 Get the valid maximum pixel value for the Nth input cube. More...
double GetOutputMinimum ()
 Get the valid minimum pixel value to be written to the output file. More...
double GetOutputMaximum ()
 Get the valid maximum pixel value to be written to the output file. More...
void setFormat (ExportFormat format)
 Sets the storage order of the output file. More...
template<typename Functor >
void ProcessCubes (const Functor &functor)
virtual void StartProcess (void funct())
 In the base class, this method will invoked a user-specified function exactly one time. More...
virtual void EndProcess ()
 End the processing sequence and cleans up by closing cubes, freeing memory, etc. More...
virtual void Finalize ()
 Cleans up by closing cubes and freeing memory for owned cubes. More...
virtual Isis::CubeSetInputCube (const QString &parameter, const int requirements=0)
 Opens an input cube specified by the user and verifies requirements are met. More...
virtual Isis::CubeSetInputCube (const QString &fname, const Isis::CubeAttributeInput &att, int requirements=0)
 Opens an input cube specified by the programmer and verifies requirements are met. More...
virtual void SetInputCube (Isis::Cube *inCube)
 Set the InputCube vector to an opened Cube which was dynamically allocated. More...
virtual Isis::CubeSetOutputCube (const QString &parameter)
 Allocates a user-specified output cube whose size matches the first input cube. More...
virtual Isis::CubeSetOutputCube (const QString &parameter, const int nsamps, const int nlines, const int nbands=1)
 Allocates a user specified output cube whose size is specified by the programmer. More...
virtual Isis::CubeSetOutputCube (const QString &fname, const Isis::CubeAttributeOutput &att, const int nsamps, const int nlines, const int nbands=1)
 Allocates a output cube whose name and size is specified by the programmer. More...
void AddInputCube (Cube *cube, bool owned=true)
void AddOutputCube (Cube *cube, bool owned=true)
void ClearCubes ()
 Close owned cubes from the list and clear the list. More...
void ClearInputCubes ()
 Close owned input cubes from the list and clear the list. More...
void ClearOutputCubes ()
 Close owned output cubes from the list and clear the list. More...
void PropagateLabels (const bool prop)
 This method allows the programmer to turn on/off the propagation of labels from the 1st input cube to any of the output cubes. More...
void PropagateLabels (const QString &cube)
 This method allows the programmer to propagate labels from a specific secondary cube. More...
void PropagateTables (const bool prop)
 This method allows the programmer to propagate input tables to the output cube (default is true) More...
void PropagateTables (const QString &fromName, const QList< QString > &tableNames=QList< QString >())
 Propagate the tables from the cube with the given filename to the output cube. More...
void PropagatePolygons (const bool prop)
 This method allows the programmer to propagate input blobs to the output cube (default is true) More...
void PropagateHistory (const bool prop)
 This method allows the programmer to propagate history to the output cube (default is true) More...
void PropagateOriginalLabel (const bool prop)
 This method allows the programmer to propagate original labels to the output cube (default is true) More...
Isis::ProgressProgress ()
 This method returns a pointer to a Progress object. More...
QString MissionData (const QString &mission, const QString &file, bool highestVersion=false)
 This method reads the mission specific data directory from the user preference file, makes sure that mission is available in the Isis installation, and the attaches the provided input file to the directory in order to create a full file specification. More...
void WriteHistory (Cube &cube)
 Writes out the History blob to the cube. More...
void CalculateStatistics ()
 Calculates and stores off statistics on every band of every cube added to this process via the SetInputCube method. More...
std::vector< Isis::Statistics * > BandStatistics (const unsigned index)
 Get the vector of Statistics objects for each band separately of a specified input cube. More...
Isis::StatisticsCubeStatistics (const unsigned index)
 Get the Statistics object for all bands of a specified input cube. More...

Protected Member Functions

std::vector< BufferManager * > GetBuffers ()
std::vector< BufferManager * > GetBuffersBSQ ()
 A single line of input data from each input cube will be passed to the line processing function. More...
std::vector< BufferManager * > GetBuffersBIL ()
 A single line of input data from each input cube will be passed to the line processing function. More...
std::vector< BufferManager * > GetBuffersBIP ()
 A single band of input data from each input cube will be passed to the band processing function. More...

Protected Attributes

ExportFormat p_format
 Current storage order. More...
double p_outputMinimum
 Desired minimum pixel value in the Buffer. More...
double p_outputMiddle
 Middle pixel value (minimum+maximun)/2.0 in the Buffer. More...
double p_outputMaximum
 Desired maximum pixel value in the Buffer. More...
std::vector< double > p_inputMinimum
 Minimum pixel value in the input cube to be mapped to the minimum value in the Buffer. More...
std::vector< double > p_inputMiddle
 Middle pixel value in the input cube to be mapped to the (minimum+maximum)/2.0 value in the Buffer. More...
std::vector< double > p_inputMaximum
 Maximum pixel value in the input cube to be mapped to the maximum value in the Buffer. More...
 Object to swap the endianness of the raw output to either MSB or LSB. More...
ByteOrder p_endianType
 The byte order of the output file. More...
PixelType p_pixelType
 The bits per pixel of the output image. More...
std::vector< Stretch * > p_str
 Stretch object to ensure a reasonable range of pixel values in the output data. More...
double p_Null
 The output value for pixels whose input DNs are Null values. More...
double p_Lis
 The output value for pixels whose input DNs are Low Instrument Saturation values. More...
double p_Lrs
 The output value for pixels whose input DNs are Low Representation Saturation values. More...
double p_His
 The output value for pixels whose input DNs are High Instrument Saturation values. More...
double p_Hrs
 The output value for pixels whose input DNs are High Representation Saturation values. More...
bool p_Null_Set
 Indicates whether p_Null has been set (i.e. More...
bool p_Lis_Set
 Indicates whether p_Lis has been set (i.e. More...
bool p_Lrs_Set
 Indicates whether p_Lrs has been set (i.e. More...
bool p_His_Set
 Indicates whether p_His has been set (i.e. More...
bool p_Hrs_Set
 Indicates whether p_Hrs has been set (i.e. More...
QCryptographicHash * m_cryptographicHash
 A cryptographic hash that will generate an MD5 checksum of the image data. More...
bool m_canGenerateChecksum
 Flag to determine if a file checksum will be generated. More...
 Pointer to a Progress object. More...
bool p_propagateLabels
 Flag indicating if labels are be propagated to output cubes. More...
bool p_propagateTables
 Flag indicating if tables are be propagated to output cubes. More...
bool p_propagatePolygons
 Flag indicating if blobs are be propagated to output cubes. More...
bool p_propagateHistory
 Flag indicating if history is to be propagated to output cubes. More...
bool p_propagateOriginalLabel
 Flag indicating if original lable is to be propagated to output cubes. More...
std::vector< std::vector< Isis::Statistics *> > p_bandStats
 Holds the calculated statistics for each band separately of every input cubei after the CalculateStatistics method is called. More...
std::vector< Isis::Statistics *> p_cubeStats
 Holds the calculated statistics for every band together of every input cubei after the CalculateStatistics method is called. More...
std::vector< Isis::Cube * > InputCubes
 A vector of pointers to opened Cube objects. More...
std::vector< Isis::Cube * > OutputCubes
 A vector of pointers to allocated Cube objects. More...
QSet< Isis::Cube * > * m_ownedCubes
 A list of cubes owned by this instant. More...

Private Member Functions

void isisOut8 (Buffer &in, std::ofstream &fout)
 Method for writing 8-bit unsigned pixel data to a file stream. More...
void isisOut16s (Buffer &in, std::ofstream &fout)
 Method for writing 16-bit signed pixel data to a file stream. More...
void isisOut16u (Buffer &in, std::ofstream &fout)
 Method for writing 16-bit unsigned pixel data to a file stream. More...
void isisOut32 (Buffer &in, std::ofstream &fout)
 Method for writing 32-bit signed floating point pixels data to a file stream. More...
void isisOut64 (Buffer &in, std::ofstream &fout)
 Method for writing 64-bit signed double precision floating point pixels data to a file stream. More...
void InitProcess ()
 Convenience method that checks to make sure the user is only using valid input to the StartProcess method. More...

Detailed Description

Process class for exporting cubes.

This class allows a programmer to develop applications which export Isis cubes into another format. For example, isis2jpg or isis2tif. It is highly recommended that this object be utilized when developing export applications to ensure a consistent look-and-feel for Isis users. The class operates by passing the programmer a line of cube data at a time. It is up to the programmer to write this data to the foreign output format. An ability exists to stretch the data supplied to the programmer in one of three ways. Either an automatic linear stretch, an automatic piecewise stretch, or an manual linear stretch. There are various methods which specify how the input pixels are to be stretched to an output range. You can examine the isis2jpg application code as a guide for writing an export program. Currently this class only allows for one band of a cube to be exported.

If you would like to see ProcessExport being used in implementation, see isis2jpg.cpp

2003-03-31 Jeff Anderson

2003-04-03 Jeff Anderson - Added unit test

2003-04-04 Jeff Anderson - Updated documentation for SetInputRange methods

2003-05-16 Stuart Sides - Modified schema from astrogeology... isis.astrogeology...

2005-01-07 Stuart Sides - Added CreateWorldFile method

2005-02-08 Elizabeth Ribelin - Modified file to support Doxygen documentation

2005-06-14 Drew Davidson - Overloaded StartProcess method to output directly to a stream.

2005-06-15 Drew Davidson - Updated to support multi-band output.

2006-02-27 Jacob Danton - Added Multiple input cube support

2006-05-08 Elizabeth Miller - Modified SetInputRange() to get the min and max percent values from the userinterface (0.5 and 99.5 are still the default values)

2006-05-15 Jeff Anderson - Fixed bug with multiple input cube support when the programmer didn't set a input minimum/maximum

2006-05-23 Jacob Danton - Added seperate MIN/MAX values for each input channel

2006-08-30 Jeff Anderson - Fixed memory leak

2007-12-17 Christopher Austin - Added processes for BIL and BIP, leaving BSQ as the default, as well as fixed rounding accuracy.

2008-05-12 Steven Lambright - Removed references to CubeInfo

2008-06-18 Steven Koechle - Fixed Documentation Errors

2008-08-14 Christopher Austin - Added the Destructor to fix memory leaks, as well as changed the EndianSwapper::Float() call to EndianSwapper::ExportFloat() in isisOut32() to fix bad float casting.

2008-12-17 Steven Lambright - Changed SetOutputRange calls to use constants (i.e. instead of 65535 VALID_MAX2 is used).

2009-07-27 Steven Lambright - Piecewise stretch backs off to linear if Median() == MINPCT or Median() == MAXPCT

2010-02-24 Janet Barrett - Added code to support JPEG2000

2012-10-04 Jeannie Backer - Added documentation and fixed indentation of history entries. No mantis ticket.

2013-06-05 Jeannie Backer - Replaced redundant code in InitProcess() with accessor methods for OutputNull(), et al. Changed local variable names in ProcessCubes for clarity. References #1380.

2015-01-15 Sasha Brownsberger - Added virtual keyword to several functions to ensure successful inheritance between Process and its child classes. Added virtual keyword to destructor. References #2215.

2016-04-21 Makayla Shepherd - Added UnsignedWord pixel type handling.

2017-05-17 Makayla Shepherd - Added setCanGenerateChecksum(), canGenerateChecksum(), and checksum(). Added m_cryptographicHash and m_canGenerateChecksum. This allows an MD5 checksum to be generated when exporting an image. This checksum is generated based on the image data. Fixes #1013.


2005-02-09 Stuart Sides - write documentation for CreateWorldFile method

2005-02-09 Jeff Anderson - add coded example to class file and implementation examples

2018-09-28 Kaitlyn Lee - Added (char) cast to fix implicit conversion. Split up "-(short)32768" into two lines. Fixes build warnings on MacOS 10.13. Updated code up to standards. References #5520.

Definition at line 125 of file ProcessExport.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ ExportFormat

Storage order enumeration.


Band sequential.


Band interleaved by line.


Band interleaved by pixel.


Compressed JPEG2000.

Definition at line 130 of file ProcessExport.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ ProcessExport()

◆ ~ProcessExport()

Isis::ProcessExport::~ProcessExport ( )


Definition at line 73 of file ProcessExport.cpp.

References m_cryptographicHash, p_endianSwap, and p_str.

Member Function Documentation

◆ BandStatistics()

std::vector<Isis::Statistics *> Isis::Process::BandStatistics ( const unsigned  index)

Get the vector of Statistics objects for each band separately of a specified input cube.

indexThe index of the input cube in InputCubes
vector<Statistics*> A list of statistics ordered by band

Definition at line 290 of file Process.h.

References Isis::Process::p_bandStats.

◆ CalculateStatistics()

void Isis::Process::CalculateStatistics ( )

Calculates and stores off statistics on every band of every cube added to this process via the SetInputCube method.

The newly calculated statistics are stored in two ways: as a vector where each entry is a single Statistics object for every band of a particular input cube, and as a vector where each entry is a vector of Statistics objects, for each band separately, of a particular input cube.

Definition at line 737 of file Process.cpp.

References Isis::Statistics::AddData(), Isis::Cube::bandCount(), Isis::Progress::CheckStatus(), Isis::Buffer::DoubleBuffer(), Isis::Cube::lineCount(), Isis::Cube::read(), Isis::LineManager::SetLine(), Isis::Progress::SetMaximumSteps(), Isis::Progress::SetText(), Isis::Buffer::size(), and Isis::toString().

◆ canGenerateChecksum()

bool Isis::ProcessExport::canGenerateChecksum ( )

Return if we can generate a checksum

Boolean to generate the checksum or not

Definition at line 694 of file ProcessExport.cpp.

References m_canGenerateChecksum.

◆ checksum()

QString Isis::ProcessExport::checksum ( )

Generates a file checksum.

This must be called after StartProcess.

QString Returns a QString of the checksum.

Definition at line 704 of file ProcessExport.cpp.

References _FILEINFO_, m_canGenerateChecksum, m_cryptographicHash, and Isis::IException::Programmer.

◆ ClearCubes()

void Isis::Process::ClearCubes ( )

Close owned cubes from the list and clear the list.

Definition at line 509 of file Process.cpp.

◆ ClearInputCubes()

void Isis::Process::ClearInputCubes ( )

Close owned input cubes from the list and clear the list.

Definition at line 519 of file Process.cpp.

Referenced by Isis::ProcessMapMosaic::RingsSetOutputCube(), Isis::FileTool::saveAsReducedCube(), and Isis::ProcessMapMosaic::SetOutputCube().

◆ ClearOutputCubes()

void Isis::Process::ClearOutputCubes ( )

Close owned output cubes from the list and clear the list.

Definition at line 533 of file Process.cpp.

◆ CreateWorldFile()

void Isis::ProcessExport::CreateWorldFile ( const QString &  worldFile)

Create a standard world file for the input cube.

This method creates a standard world file from the mapping group of the input cube.

worldFile[in] Reference to a string containing the name of a file to write the world information to.

Definition at line 1265 of file ProcessExport.cpp.

References Isis::Process::InputCubes, Isis::Projection::Resolution(), Isis::Projection::SetWorld(), Isis::Projection::XCoord(), and Isis::Projection::YCoord().

Referenced by Isis::ImageExporter::createWorldFile().

◆ CubeStatistics()

Isis::Statistics* Isis::Process::CubeStatistics ( const unsigned  index)

Get the Statistics object for all bands of a specified input cube.

indexThe index of the input cube in InputCubes
Statistics* Collections of statistics gathered on all bands

Definition at line 304 of file Process.h.

References Isis::Process::p_cubeStats.

◆ EndProcess()

void Isis::Process::EndProcess ( )

◆ Finalize()

void Isis::Process::Finalize ( )

Cleans up by closing cubes and freeing memory for owned cubes.

Clears the lists for all cubes.

Reimplemented in Isis::ProcessImportPds, Isis::ProcessByBrick, Isis::ProcessByBoxcar, Isis::ProcessByTile, Isis::ProcessGroundPolygons, and Isis::ProcessPolygons.

Definition at line 491 of file Process.cpp.

Referenced by Isis::ProcessByBoxcar::Finalize().

◆ GetBuffersBIL()

vector< BufferManager * > Isis::ProcessExport::GetBuffersBIL ( )

A single line of input data from each input cube will be passed to the line processing function.

Note the data will be stretched based on the invocations of the SetInputRange and SetOutputRange methods.

funct(Isis::Buffer &b) Name of your line processing function. The buffer in will contain stretched input cube pixels for an entire line of each input cube. These pixels must be written to the foreign output file (e.g, jpg, tif, etc).

Definition at line 954 of file ProcessExport.cpp.

References _FILEINFO_, Isis::BufferManager::begin(), Isis::Process::InputCubes, and Isis::IException::Programmer.

◆ GetBuffersBIP()

vector< BufferManager * > Isis::ProcessExport::GetBuffersBIP ( )

A single band of input data from each input cube will be passed to the band processing function.

Note the data will be stretched based on the invocations of the SetInputRange and SetOutputRange methods.

funct(Isis::Buffer &b) Name of your band processing function. The buffer in will contain stretched input cube pixels for an entire line of each input cube. These pixels must be written to the foreign output file (e.g, jpg, tif, etc).

Definition at line 992 of file ProcessExport.cpp.

References _FILEINFO_, Isis::BufferManager::begin(), Isis::Process::InputCubes, and Isis::IException::Programmer.

◆ GetBuffersBSQ()

vector< BufferManager * > Isis::ProcessExport::GetBuffersBSQ ( )

A single line of input data from each input cube will be passed to the line processing function.

Note the data will be stretched based on the invocations of the SetInputRange and SetOutputRange methods.

funct(Isis::Buffer &b) Name of your line processing function. The buffer in will contain stretched input cube pixels for an entire line of each input cube. These pixels must be written to the foreign output file (e.g, jpg, tif, etc).

Definition at line 915 of file ProcessExport.cpp.

References _FILEINFO_, Isis::BufferManager::begin(), Isis::Process::InputCubes, and Isis::IException::Programmer.

◆ GetInputMaximum()

double Isis::ProcessExport::GetInputMaximum ( unsigned int  n = 0) const

Get the valid maximum pixel value for the Nth input cube.

Definition at line 439 of file ProcessExport.cpp.

References _FILEINFO_, p_inputMaximum, and Isis::IException::Programmer.

◆ GetInputMinimum()

double Isis::ProcessExport::GetInputMinimum ( unsigned int  n = 0) const

Get the valid minimum pixel value for the Nth input cube.

Definition at line 428 of file ProcessExport.cpp.

References _FILEINFO_, p_inputMinimum, and Isis::IException::Programmer.

◆ GetOutputMaximum()

double Isis::ProcessExport::GetOutputMaximum ( )

Get the valid maximum pixel value to be written to the output file.

Definition at line 178 of file ProcessExport.h.

References p_outputMaximum.

◆ GetOutputMinimum()

double Isis::ProcessExport::GetOutputMinimum ( )

Get the valid minimum pixel value to be written to the output file.

Definition at line 174 of file ProcessExport.h.

References p_outputMinimum.

◆ InitProcess()

void Isis::ProcessExport::InitProcess ( )

Convenience method that checks to make sure the user is only using valid input to the StartProcess method.

Set cube up for processing.

Also sets the cube up to be processed by performing the necessary stretches.

This method is called from startProcess() to validate the input cube before processing and to ready the input cube for reading line by line in the cases of BSQ and BIL, or reading band by band in the case of BIP.

Isis::iException::Message- No input cube was specified

Definition at line 736 of file ProcessExport.cpp.

References _FILEINFO_, BIP, Isis::Progress::CheckStatus(), Isis::Process::InputCubes, Isis::IsValidPixel(), OutputHis(), OutputHrs(), OutputLis(), OutputLrs(), OutputNull(), p_format, p_inputMaximum, p_inputMiddle, p_inputMinimum, p_outputMaximum, p_outputMiddle, p_outputMinimum, Isis::Process::p_progress, p_str, Isis::IException::Programmer, and Isis::Progress::SetMaximumSteps().

Referenced by StartProcess().

◆ isisOut16s()

void Isis::ProcessExport::isisOut16s ( Buffer in,
std::ofstream &  fout 

Method for writing 16-bit signed pixel data to a file stream.

Write a buffer of 16-bit signed pixel data to a stream.

This method takes a buffer of data and assumes that it is 16-bit signed pixel data. It will apply the necessary endian swap to the data and write it out to the output file buffer that the user specifies. The user can only expect to access this method indirectly by calling the StartProcess method.

&inReference to a single buffer of pixel data. Note that this buffer will already have had the necessary stretching operations, though it will have the native endianness of the system.
&foutName of the file stream to which the buffer of pixel data will be written.

Definition at line 1146 of file ProcessExport.cpp.

References p_endianSwap, Isis::EndianSwapper::ShortInt(), and Isis::Buffer::size().

Referenced by StartProcess().

◆ isisOut16u()

void Isis::ProcessExport::isisOut16u ( Buffer in,
std::ofstream &  fout 

Method for writing 16-bit unsigned pixel data to a file stream.

Write a bufferof 16-bit unsigned pixel data to a stream.

This method takes a buffer of data and assumes that it is 16-bit unsigned pixel data. It will apply the necessary endian swap to the data and write it out to the output file buffer that the user specifies. The user can only expect to access this method indirectly by calling the StartProcess method.

&inReference to a single buffer of pixel data. Note that this buffer will already have had the necessary stretching operations, though it will have the native endianness of the system.
&foutName of the file stream to which the buffer of pixel data will be written.

Definition at line 1193 of file ProcessExport.cpp.

References p_endianSwap, Isis::Buffer::size(), and Isis::EndianSwapper::UnsignedShortInt().

Referenced by StartProcess().

◆ isisOut32()

void Isis::ProcessExport::isisOut32 ( Buffer in,
std::ofstream &  fout 

Method for writing 32-bit signed floating point pixels data to a file stream.

Write a buffer of 32-bit floating point pixel data to a stream.

This method takes a buffer of data and assumes that it is 32-bit floating point pixel data. It will apply the necessary endian swap to the data and write it out to the output file buffer that the user specifies. The user can only expect to access this method indirectly by calling the StartProcess method.

&inReference to a single buffer of pixel data. Note that this buffer will already have had the necessary stretching operations, though it will have the native endianness of the system.
&foutName of the file stream to which the buffer of pixel data will be written.

Definition at line 1233 of file ProcessExport.cpp.

References Isis::EndianSwapper::ExportFloat(), p_endianSwap, and Isis::Buffer::size().

Referenced by StartProcess().

◆ isisOut64()

void Isis::ProcessExport::isisOut64 ( Buffer in,
std::ofstream &  fout 

Method for writing 64-bit signed double precision floating point pixels data to a file stream.

◆ isisOut8()

void Isis::ProcessExport::isisOut8 ( Buffer in,
std::ofstream &  fout 

Method for writing 8-bit unsigned pixel data to a file stream.

Write a buffer of 8-bit pixel data to a stream.

This method takes a buffer of data and assumes that it is 8 bit pixel data. It will apply the necessary endian swap to the data and write it out to the output file buffer that the user specifies. The user can only expect to access this method indirectly by calling the StartProcess method

&inReference to a single buffer of pixel data. Note that this buffer will already have had the necessary stretching operations, though it will have the native endianness of the system.
&foutName of the file stream to which the buffer of pixel data will be written.

Definition at line 1109 of file ProcessExport.cpp.

References Isis::Buffer::size().

Referenced by StartProcess().

◆ MissionData()

QString Isis::Process::MissionData ( const QString &  mission,
const QString &  file,
bool  highestVersion = false 

This method reads the mission specific data directory from the user preference file, makes sure that mission is available in the Isis installation, and the attaches the provided input file to the directory in order to create a full file specification.

missionName of the mission data directory
fileName of the file to attach to the end of the directory
highestVersionIf set to true the method will return the highest version number of the given file. Therefore, file must contain question marks such as "file???.dat". See the FileName class for more information on versioned files. Defaults to false.

Definition at line 682 of file Process.cpp.

References _FILEINFO_, Isis::FileName::expanded(), Isis::FileName::fileExists(), Isis::PvlObject::findGroup(), and Isis::FileName::highestVersion().

◆ OutputHis()

double Isis::ProcessExport::OutputHis ( )

Return the output special pixel value for HIS.

Definition at line 579 of file ProcessExport.cpp.

References p_His, p_His_Set, and p_outputMaximum.

Referenced by InitProcess().

◆ OutputHrs()

double Isis::ProcessExport::OutputHrs ( )

Return the output special pixel value for HRS.

Definition at line 587 of file ProcessExport.cpp.

References p_Hrs, p_Hrs_Set, and p_outputMaximum.

Referenced by InitProcess().

◆ OutputLis()

double Isis::ProcessExport::OutputLis ( )

Return the output special pixel value for LIS.

Definition at line 563 of file ProcessExport.cpp.

References p_Lis, p_Lis_Set, and p_outputMinimum.

Referenced by InitProcess().

◆ OutputLrs()

double Isis::ProcessExport::OutputLrs ( )

Return the output special pixel value for LRS.

Definition at line 571 of file ProcessExport.cpp.

References p_Lrs, p_Lrs_Set, and p_outputMinimum.

Referenced by InitProcess().

◆ OutputNull()

double Isis::ProcessExport::OutputNull ( )

Return the output special pixel value for NULL.

Definition at line 555 of file ProcessExport.cpp.

References p_Null, p_Null_Set, and p_outputMinimum.

Referenced by InitProcess().

◆ Progress()

◆ PropagateHistory()

void Isis::Process::PropagateHistory ( const bool  prop)

This method allows the programmer to propagate history to the output cube (default is true)

propFlag indicating if history is to be propagated to output cubes.

Definition at line 651 of file Process.cpp.

Referenced by Isis::ProcessMapMosaic::RingsSetOutputCube(), and Isis::ProcessMapMosaic::SetOutputCube().

◆ PropagateLabels() [1/2]

void Isis::Process::PropagateLabels ( const bool  prop)

This method allows the programmer to turn on/off the propagation of labels from the 1st input cube to any of the output cubes.

By default, propagation occurs automatically in the Process class when a call to either of the SetOutputCube methods is invoked. If the program * requires no propagation then utilize this method. This method can be invoked between successive calls of SetOutputCube so that some cube will have labels propagated while others will not.

propFlag indicating if labels are be propagated to output cubes.

Definition at line 555 of file Process.cpp.

Referenced by Isis::ProcessMapMosaic::RingsSetOutputCube(), and Isis::ProcessMapMosaic::SetOutputCube().

◆ PropagateLabels() [2/2]

void Isis::Process::PropagateLabels ( const QString &  cube)

This method allows the programmer to propagate labels from a specific secondary cube.

cubeIString containing the name of the cube containing the labels to propagate.

Definition at line 566 of file Process.cpp.

References Isis::PvlObject::addGroup(), Isis::PvlObject::addObject(), Isis::PvlObject::findObject(), Isis::PvlObject::group(), Isis::PvlObject::groups(), and Isis::PvlObject::hasObject().

◆ PropagateOriginalLabel()

void Isis::Process::PropagateOriginalLabel ( const bool  prop)

This method allows the programmer to propagate original labels to the output cube (default is true)

propFlag indicating if original labels is to be propagated to output cubes.

Definition at line 662 of file Process.cpp.

Referenced by Isis::ProcessMapMosaic::RingsSetOutputCube(), and Isis::ProcessMapMosaic::SetOutputCube().

◆ PropagatePolygons()

void Isis::Process::PropagatePolygons ( const bool  prop)

This method allows the programmer to propagate input blobs to the output cube (default is true)

propFlag indicating if input blobs are to be propagated to output cubes.

Definition at line 641 of file Process.cpp.

Referenced by Isis::ProcessMapMosaic::RingsSetOutputCube(), and Isis::ProcessMapMosaic::SetOutputCube().

◆ PropagateTables() [1/2]

void Isis::Process::PropagateTables ( const bool  prop)

This method allows the programmer to propagate input tables to the output cube (default is true)

propFlag indicating if input tables are to be propagated to output cubes.

Definition at line 594 of file Process.cpp.

Referenced by Isis::ProcessMapMosaic::RingsSetOutputCube(), and Isis::ProcessMapMosaic::SetOutputCube().

◆ PropagateTables() [2/2]

void Isis::Process::PropagateTables ( const QString &  fromName,
const QList< QString > &  tableNames = QList<QString>() 

Propagate the tables from the cube with the given filename to the output cube.

This is done at the time this method is called, not during normal processing. The names of the tables to propagate can be provided through the second paramter, by specifing a list of table names. Not providing any list (or providing an empty list) will propagate all tables.

fromNameQString of the name of the cube containing the tables to propagate.
tableNamesList of QStrings of the names of the tables to propagate; default is empty, which indicates that all tables will be propagated.
2016-11-30 Ian Humphrey - Added tableNames parameter so that only specified tables will be propagated when calling this method. Note that a default of an empty QList is used to propagate all tables. References #4433.

Definition at line 614 of file Process.cpp.

References Isis::Cube::label(), Isis::PvlObject::object(), Isis::PvlObject::objects(), Isis::Cube::open(), and Isis::Cube::read().

◆ setCanGenerateChecksum()

void Isis::ProcessExport::setCanGenerateChecksum ( bool  flag)

Set m_canGenerateChecksum which determines if we can generate a MD5 checksum on the image data.

flagboolean to generate the checksum or not

Definition at line 683 of file ProcessExport.cpp.

References m_canGenerateChecksum.

◆ setFormat()

void Isis::ProcessExport::setFormat ( ExportFormat  format)

Sets the storage order of the output file.

Definition at line 183 of file ProcessExport.h.

References p_format.

Referenced by Isis::ImageExporter::initializeProcess(), and ProcessExport().

◆ SetInputCube() [1/3]

Isis::Cube * Isis::Process::SetInputCube ( const QString &  parameter,
const int  requirements = 0 

Opens an input cube specified by the user and verifies requirements are met.

parameterUser parameter to obtain file to open. Typically, the value is "FROM". For example, the user can specify on the command line FROM=myfile.cub and this method will attempt to open the cube "myfile.cub" if the parameter was set to "FROM".
requirementsUse to specify requirements for the input file. The following are requirments are checked against 1) ic_base::SizeMatch checks to make sure the input cube has the same bands, samples, and lines as the first input cube open using this method, 2) ic_base::SpatialMatch checks to make sure the input cube has the same samples and lines as the first input cube, 3) ic_base::Georeferenced checks to make sure latitude/longitudes can be obtained from the input cube, 4) ic_base::FullyGeoreferenced checks to make sure latitude/longitude, phase/incidence/emission, and other geometric parameters can be obtained from the input cube, 5) ic_base::OneBand checks to make sure the input cube has exactly one band. Note, that these requirements can be logically or'ed. For example, ic_base::SpatialMatch | ic_base::georeferenced. Defaults to 0

Reimplemented in Isis::ProcessByLine, Isis::ProcessByBrick, Isis::ProcessBySpectra, and Isis::ProcessBySample.

Definition at line 243 of file Process.cpp.

Referenced by Isis::ImageExporter::addChannel(), Isis::JigsawRunWidget::on_JigsawAcceptButton_clicked(), Isis::FileTool::saveAsEnlargedCube(), and Isis::ProcessGroundPolygons::SetStatCubes().

◆ SetInputCube() [2/3]

Isis::Cube * Isis::Process::SetInputCube ( const QString &  fname,
const Isis::CubeAttributeInput att,
int  requirements = 0 

Opens an input cube specified by the programmer and verifies requirements are met.

fnameProgrammer specified work file. For example, "myfile.cub".
attThe cube attributes to use when opening the input cube.
requirementsSame as requirements on SetInputCube. See that method for more details. Defaults to 0

Reimplemented in Isis::ProcessByBrick.

Definition at line 82 of file Process.cpp.

References _FILEINFO_, Isis::Cube::bandCount(), Isis::CubeAttributeInput::bands(), Isis::Cube::lineCount(), Isis::Cube::open(), Isis::Cube::sampleCount(), and Isis::Cube::setVirtualBands().

◆ SetInputCube() [3/3]

void Isis::Process::SetInputCube ( Isis::Cube inCube)

Set the InputCube vector to an opened Cube which was dynamically allocated.

This is used if there already exists a valid opened cube

Sharmila Prasad (5/7/2011)
inCube- Pointer to input Cube

Reimplemented in Isis::ProcessByLine.

Definition at line 201 of file Process.cpp.

References _FILEINFO_, and Isis::Cube::isOpen().

◆ SetInputRange() [1/5]

void Isis::ProcessExport::SetInputRange ( )

Set input pixel range from user.

This method performs the same function as SetInputRange(min,max) and SetInputRange(min,mid,max). However, the information for min/mid/max is obtained from the user via the command line. Therefore you must include the following parameter group in your application XML file:

<group name="Stretch Options">
<parameter name="STRETCH">
<brief>Type of stretch</brief>
This parameter is used to select one of three ways to stretch
(or map) output pixels. They are LINEAR, PIECEWISE, or MANUAL.
<option value="LINEAR">
<brief> Linear stretch </brief>
A minimum and maximum are automatically computed based on
the statistics of the selected band. A histogram of the
band is used to pick the minimum at 0.5% of the data and
the maximum at 99.5% of the data. Input pixels less than
or equal to the minimum are stretched to black while
pixels greater than the or equal to the maximum are
stretched to white. A linear mapping occurs between the
minimum and maximum.
<option value="PIECEWISE">
<brief> Piecewise-linear stretch </brief>
This option is similar to the LINEAR option. A minimum and
maximum are automatically computed. Additionally, the
median is computed and it is mapped to the middle gray
value (halfway between white and black). Therefore, it is
a piecewise-linear stretch with input pixels mapped
linearly between either 1) the minimum/median or 2) the
median/maximum. This option is useful for contrast
stretching cubes with skewed histograms to ensure a
balanced contrast.
<option value="MANUAL">
<brief> Manual stretch </brief>
This option allows you to pick your own stretch. You must
enter a value for MINIMUM and MAXIMUM
<parameter name="MINIMUM">
<brief>Minimum pixel value</brief>
The minimum input pixel value which will be mapped to black.
<parameter name="MAXIMUM">
<brief>Maximum pixel value</brief>
The maximum input pixel value which will be mapped to white.
<parameter name="MINPERCENT">
<brief>Minimum Percent</brief>
The percentage of data in the histogram used to compute
the minimum pixel value in the stretch.
<parameter name="MAXPERCENT">
<brief>Maximum Percent</brief>
The percentage of data in the histogram used to compute
the maximum pixel value in the stretch.

Definition at line 374 of file ProcessExport.cpp.

References IsisAml::Clear(), IsisAml::GetDouble(), IsisAml::GetString(), Isis::Application::GetUserInterface(), Isis::Process::InputCubes, Isis::Histogram::Median(), p_inputMaximum, p_inputMiddle, p_inputMinimum, Isis::Histogram::Percent(), and IsisAml::PutDouble().

Referenced by Isis::ImageExporter::addChannel(), SetInputRange(), and Isis::ImageExporter::write().

◆ SetInputRange() [2/5]

void Isis::ProcessExport::SetInputRange ( const double  minimum,
const double  maximum 

Set input pixel range from to a linear stretch.

This method allows the programmer to define what range of input pixels in the input cube get mapped to the output range in the Buffer. By default the output range is 0.0 to 1.0 (can be overridden using the SetOutputRange method). This version of SetInputRange allows the programmer to perform a simple linear stretch. That is, "minimum:0.0 maximum:1.0" or minimum is mapped to 0.0, maximum is mapped to 1.0 everything inbetween is mapped linearly (e.g., (minimum+maximum)/2.0:0.5). Also, everything less than the minimum is mapped to 0.0 and everything more than the maximum is mapped to 1.0. If you are uncertain about how stretches operate see the Stretch object. If the input range is never set, no stretch will occur.

minimumMinimum pixel value in the input cube to be mapped to the minimum value in the Buffer
maximumMaximum pixel value in the input cube to be mapped to the maximum value in the Buffer

Definition at line 108 of file ProcessExport.cpp.

References SetInputRange().

◆ SetInputRange() [3/5]

void Isis::ProcessExport::SetInputRange ( const double  minimum,
const double  maximum,
const int  index 

Set input pixel range from to a linear stretch.

This method allows the programmer to define what range of input pixels in the input cube get mapped to the output range in the Buffer. By default the output range is 0.0 to 1.0 (can be overridden using the SetOutputRange method). This version of SetInputRange allows the programmer to perform a simple linear stretch. That is, "minimum:0.0 maximum:1.0" or minimum is mapped to 0.0, maximum is mapped to 1.0 everything inbetween is mapped linearly (e.g., (minimum+maximum)/2.0:0.5). Also, everything less than the minimum is mapped to 0.0 and everything more than the maximum is mapped to 1.0. If you are uncertain about how stretches operate see the Stretch object. If the input range is never set, no stretch will occur.

minimumMinimum pixel value in the input cube to be mapped to the minimum value in the Buffer
maximumMaximum pixel value in the input cube to be mapped to the maximum value in the Buffer
indexThe index of the channel you are setting

Definition at line 137 of file ProcessExport.cpp.

References SetInputRange().

◆ SetInputRange() [4/5]

void Isis::ProcessExport::SetInputRange ( const double  minimum,
const double  middle,
const double  maximum 

Set input pixel range from to a piecewise linear stretch.

This method allows the programmer to define what range of input pixels in the input cube get mapped to the output range in the Buffer. By default the output range is 0.0 to 1.0 (can be overridden using the SetOutputRange method). This version of SetInputRange allows the programmer to perform a piecewise linear stretch. That is,"minimum:0.0 middle:0.5 maximum:1.0". The pixels from the input cube between minimum and middle are mapped to 0.0 and 0.5 linearly, while pixels between middle and maximum are mapped to 0.5 and 1.0 linearly. Those outside the range of minimum and maximum are mapped to 0.0 and 1.0 respectively. If you are uncertain about how stretches operate see the Stretch object. If the input range is never set, no stretch will occur.

minimumMinimum pixel value in the input cube to be mapped to the minimum value in the Buffer
middleMiddle pixel value in the input cube to be mapped to the (minimum+maximum)/2.0 value in the Buffer
maximumMaximum pixel value in the input cube to be mapped to the maximum value in the Buffer

Definition at line 168 of file ProcessExport.cpp.

References _FILEINFO_, Isis::Process::InputCubes, p_inputMaximum, p_inputMiddle, p_inputMinimum, and Isis::IException::Programmer.

◆ SetInputRange() [5/5]

void Isis::ProcessExport::SetInputRange ( const double  minimum,
const double  middle,
const double  maximum,
const int  index 

Set input pixel range from to a piecewise linear stretch.

This method allows the programmer to define what range of input pixels in the input cube get mapped to the output range in the Buffer. By default the output range is 0.0 to 1.0 (can be overridden using the SetOutputRange method). This version of SetInputRange allows the programmer to perform a piecewise linear stretch. That is,"minimum:0.0 middle:0.5 maximum:1.0". The pixels from the input cube between minimum and middle are mapped to 0.0 and 0.5 linearly, while pixels between middle and maximum are mapped to 0.5 and 1.0 linearly. Those outside the range of minimum and maximum are mapped to 0.0 and 1.0 respectively. If you are uncertain about how stretches operate see the Stretch object. If the input range is never set, no stretch will occur.

minimumMinimum pixel value in the input cube to be mapped to the minimum value in the Buffer
middleMiddle pixel value in the input cube to be mapped to the (minimum+maximum)/2.0 value in the Buffer
maximumMaximum pixel value in the input cube to be mapped to the maximum value in the Buffer
indexThe index of the channel you are setting

Definition at line 216 of file ProcessExport.cpp.

References _FILEINFO_, Isis::Process::InputCubes, p_inputMaximum, p_inputMiddle, p_inputMinimum, and Isis::IException::Programmer.

◆ SetOutputCube() [1/3]

Isis::Cube * Isis::Process::SetOutputCube ( const QString &  parameter)

Allocates a user-specified output cube whose size matches the first input cube.

parameterUser specified output file. For example, "TO" is a popular user parameter. If the user specified TO=output.cub, then this routine would allocate the file output.cub with size specified by the first opened input cube. The output pixel type will be propagated from the first loaded input cube or will use the value in the application XML file for pixelType.

Reimplemented in Isis::ProcessMosaic, Isis::ProcessImport, and Isis::ProcessMapMosaic.

Definition at line 266 of file Process.cpp.

References _FILEINFO_.

Referenced by Isis::FileTool::saveAsEnlargedCube(), and Isis::ProcessImport::SetOutputCube().

◆ SetOutputCube() [2/3]

Isis::Cube * Isis::Process::SetOutputCube ( const QString &  parameter,
const int  ns,
const int  nl,
const int  nb = 1 

Allocates a user specified output cube whose size is specified by the programmer.

parameterUser specified output file. For example, "TO" is a popular user parameter. If the user specified TO=output.cub, then this routine would allocate the file output.cub with size specified by the first opened input cube. The output pixel type will be propagated from the first loaded input cube or will use the value in the application XML file for pixelType.
nsNumber of samples to allocate
nlNumber of lines to allocate
nbNumber of bands to allocate

Definition at line 302 of file Process.cpp.

References _FILEINFO_.

◆ SetOutputCube() [3/3]

Isis::Cube * Isis::Process::SetOutputCube ( const QString &  fname,
const Isis::CubeAttributeOutput att,
const int  ns,
const int  nl,
const int  nb = 1 

◆ SetOutputEndian()

void Isis::ProcessExport::SetOutputEndian ( enum ByteOrder  byteOrderIn)

Set byte endianness of the output cube.

This method allows the programmer to specify whether the first byte of data output from the ProcessExport will be the most significant byte or the least significant byte. If the user does not explicitly set the endianness, it will default to that of the current system architecture

byteOrderInenumeration of the endianness (MSB or LSB)

Definition at line 659 of file ProcessExport.cpp.

References p_endianSwap, and p_endianType.

Referenced by ProcessExport().

◆ SetOutputHis()

void Isis::ProcessExport::SetOutputHis ( const double  value)

Set output special pixel value for HIS.

Sets the value for output special pixel HISs. HIS pixels values from the input cube will be set to this value. Be default this value will be set to the maximum out value set with SetOutputRange

valueThe output pixel value for all HIS pixels

Definition at line 531 of file ProcessExport.cpp.

References p_His, and p_His_Set.

◆ SetOutputHrs()

void Isis::ProcessExport::SetOutputHrs ( const double  value)

Set output special pixel value for HRS.

Sets the value for output special pixel HRSs. HRS pixels values from the input cube will be set to this value. Be default this value will be set to the maximum out value set with SetOutputRange

valueThe output pixel value for all HRS pixels

Definition at line 546 of file ProcessExport.cpp.

References p_Hrs, and p_Hrs_Set.

◆ SetOutputLis()

void Isis::ProcessExport::SetOutputLis ( const double  value)

Set output special pixel value for LIS.

Sets the value for output special pixel LISs. LIS pixels values from the input cube will be set to this value. Be default this value will be set to the minimum out value set with SetOutputRange

valueThe output pixel value for all LIS pixels

Definition at line 501 of file ProcessExport.cpp.

References p_Lis, and p_Lis_Set.

◆ SetOutputLrs()

void Isis::ProcessExport::SetOutputLrs ( const double  value)

Set output special pixel value for LRS.

Sets the value for output special pixel LRSs. LRS8 pixels values from the input cube will be set to this value. Be default this value will be set to the minimum out value set with SetOutputRange

valueThe output pixel value for all LRS pixels

Definition at line 516 of file ProcessExport.cpp.

References p_Lrs, and p_Lrs_Set.

◆ SetOutputNull()

void Isis::ProcessExport::SetOutputNull ( const double  value)

Set output special pixel value for NULL.

Sets the value for output special pixel NULLs. NULL pixels values from the input cube will be set to this value. Be default this value will be set to the minimum out value set with SetOutputRange

valueThe output pixel value for all NULL pixels

Definition at line 486 of file ProcessExport.cpp.

References p_Null, and p_Null_Set.

Referenced by Isis::ImageExporter::initializeProcess().

◆ SetOutputRange()

void Isis::ProcessExport::SetOutputRange ( const double  minimum,
const double  maximum 

Set output pixel range in Buffer.

This method allows the programmer to specify the acceptable range of values contained in the Buffer. If this method is never invoked, all pixel values received in the Buffer of the export function will be in the range of 0.0 to 1.0. However, this can be overridden, for example, to 0.0 and 255.0, by invoking this method.

minimumDesired minimum pixel value in the Buffer
maximumDesired maximum pixel value in the Buffer

Definition at line 464 of file ProcessExport.cpp.

References _FILEINFO_, p_outputMaximum, p_outputMiddle, p_outputMinimum, and Isis::IException::Programmer.

Referenced by Isis::ImageExporter::initializeProcess(), and SetOutputType().

◆ SetOutputType()

void Isis::ProcessExport::SetOutputType ( Isis::PixelType  pixelIn)

Set output pixel bit type in Buffer.

This method specifies the type of pixel data that is going to be output. Essentially, it is a convenience method that will automatically calculate the necessary output range based on the minimum and maximum values of the bit type that is specified. Currently, the method only supported data types are Isis::UnsignedByte (Range of 0 to 255), Isis::SignedWord (Range of -32768 to 32767), Isis::UnsignedWord (Range of 0 to 65535), and Isis::Real (Range from the minimum floating-point value to the maximum floating-point value supported in C++; -FLT_MAX to FLT_MAX), since these are the only formats that can be output by ProcessExport. If neither this method nor the SetOutputRange method is invoked, all pixel values received in the Buffer of the export function will be in the range of 0.0 to 1.0.

NOTE: You must set the format type of the output data with SetFormat before calling this method. Otherwise, you will get an error.

pixelInthis is an enumeration of the different pixel types. The only values that are recognized as valid are Isis::UnsignedByte, Isis::SignedWord, Isis::UnsignedWord, and Isis::Real.

Definition at line 618 of file ProcessExport.cpp.

References _FILEINFO_, JP2, p_format, p_pixelType, Isis::IException::Programmer, and SetOutputRange().

Referenced by Isis::ImageExporter::initializeProcess(), and ProcessExport().

◆ StartProcess() [1/3]

void Isis::ProcessExport::StartProcess ( void   functIsis::Buffer &in)

This method invokes the process operation over a single input cube.

In the cases of BSQ and BIL this is a process by line. In the case of BIP, this is a process by band. A single buffer of input data will be padd to the buffer processing function. Note the data will be stretched based on the invocations of the SetInputRange and SetpOutputRange methods.

funct(Isis::Buffer &b) Name of your buffer processing function. The buffer in will contain stretched input cube pixels for an entire buffer. These pixels must be written to the foreign output file (e.g, jpg, tif, etc).

Definition at line 800 of file ProcessExport.cpp.

References _FILEINFO_, Isis::BufferManager::begin(), BIL, BIP, BSQ, Isis::Progress::CheckStatus(), Isis::BufferManager::end(), InitProcess(), Isis::Process::InputCubes, JP2, Isis::BufferManager::next(), p_format, Isis::Process::p_progress, p_str, Isis::IException::Programmer, and Isis::Buffer::size().

◆ StartProcess() [2/3]

void Isis::ProcessExport::StartProcess ( std::ofstream &  fout)

Write an entire cube to an output file stream.

Just as with the other invocation of the StartProcess method, this will process an input cube buffer by buffer. Unlike the other invocation, this method takes care of writing the input data to an output file stream specified by the user instead of relying on an external function.

&foutAn open stream to which the pixel data will be written. After calling this method once, the stream will contain all of the pixel data from the input cube.

Reimplemented in Isis::ProcessExportPds, and Isis::ProcessExportPds4.

Definition at line 1027 of file ProcessExport.cpp.

References _FILEINFO_, Isis::BufferManager::begin(), BIL, BIP, BSQ, Isis::Progress::CheckStatus(), Isis::BufferManager::end(), InitProcess(), Isis::Process::InputCubes, isisOut16s(), isisOut16u(), isisOut32(), isisOut8(), m_canGenerateChecksum, m_cryptographicHash, Isis::BufferManager::next(), p_format, p_pixelType, Isis::Process::p_progress, p_str, Isis::IException::Programmer, and Isis::Buffer::size().

◆ StartProcess() [3/3]

virtual void Isis::Process::StartProcess ( void   funct())

In the base class, this method will invoked a user-specified function exactly one time.

In derived classes such as ProcessByLine, the StartProcess will invoke a user-specified function for every line in a cube.

funct()Name of your processing function

Definition at line 228 of file Process.h.

◆ WriteHistory()

void Isis::Process::WriteHistory ( Cube cube)

Member Data Documentation

◆ InputCubes

std::vector<Isis::Cube *> Isis::Process::InputCubes

A vector of pointers to opened Cube objects.

The pointers are established in the SetInputCube/SetInputWorkCube methods.

Definition at line 200 of file Process.h.

Referenced by CreateWorldFile(), GetBuffersBIL(), GetBuffersBIP(), GetBuffersBSQ(), InitProcess(), Isis::ProcessByBrick::ProcessCube(), Isis::ProcessByBrick::ProcessCubes(), SetInputRange(), Isis::ProcessByQuickFilter::StartProcess(), and StartProcess().

◆ m_canGenerateChecksum

bool Isis::ProcessExport::m_canGenerateChecksum

Flag to determine if a file checksum will be generated.

Definition at line 283 of file ProcessExport.h.

Referenced by canGenerateChecksum(), checksum(), ProcessExport(), setCanGenerateChecksum(), and StartProcess().

◆ m_cryptographicHash

QCryptographicHash* Isis::ProcessExport::m_cryptographicHash

A cryptographic hash that will generate an MD5 checksum of the image data.

Definition at line 281 of file ProcessExport.h.

Referenced by checksum(), ProcessExport(), StartProcess(), and ~ProcessExport().

◆ m_ownedCubes

QSet<Isis::Cube *>* Isis::Process::m_ownedCubes

A list of cubes owned by this instant.

These cubes will be deleted on finalization. Process will not take ownership of cubes allocated outside of Process. It is the caller's responsibility to delete such cubes.

Definition at line 214 of file Process.h.

◆ OutputCubes

std::vector<Isis::Cube *> Isis::Process::OutputCubes

◆ p_bandStats

std::vector< std::vector< Isis::Statistics * > > Isis::Process::p_bandStats

Holds the calculated statistics for each band separately of every input cubei after the CalculateStatistics method is called.

Definition at line 187 of file Process.h.

Referenced by Isis::Process::BandStatistics().

◆ p_cubeStats

std::vector< Isis::Statistics * > Isis::Process::p_cubeStats

Holds the calculated statistics for every band together of every input cubei after the CalculateStatistics method is called.

Definition at line 194 of file Process.h.

Referenced by Isis::Process::CubeStatistics().

◆ p_endianSwap

EndianSwapper* Isis::ProcessExport::p_endianSwap

Object to swap the endianness of the raw output to either MSB or LSB.

Definition at line 250 of file ProcessExport.h.

Referenced by isisOut16s(), isisOut16u(), isisOut32(), ProcessExport(), SetOutputEndian(), and ~ProcessExport().

◆ p_endianType

ByteOrder Isis::ProcessExport::p_endianType

The byte order of the output file.

Definition at line 252 of file ProcessExport.h.

Referenced by SetOutputEndian().

◆ p_format

ExportFormat Isis::ProcessExport::p_format

Current storage order.

Definition at line 228 of file ProcessExport.h.

Referenced by InitProcess(), setFormat(), SetOutputType(), and StartProcess().

◆ p_His

double Isis::ProcessExport::p_His

The output value for pixels whose input DNs are High Instrument Saturation values.

Definition at line 265 of file ProcessExport.h.

Referenced by OutputHis(), and SetOutputHis().

◆ p_His_Set

bool Isis::ProcessExport::p_His_Set

Indicates whether p_His has been set (i.e.

if setHis() has been called).

Definition at line 276 of file ProcessExport.h.

Referenced by OutputHis(), ProcessExport(), and SetOutputHis().

◆ p_Hrs

double Isis::ProcessExport::p_Hrs

The output value for pixels whose input DNs are High Representation Saturation values.

Definition at line 267 of file ProcessExport.h.

Referenced by OutputHrs(), and SetOutputHrs().

◆ p_Hrs_Set

bool Isis::ProcessExport::p_Hrs_Set

Indicates whether p_Hrs has been set (i.e.

if setHrs() has been called).

Definition at line 278 of file ProcessExport.h.

Referenced by OutputHrs(), ProcessExport(), and SetOutputHrs().

◆ p_inputMaximum

std::vector<double> Isis::ProcessExport::p_inputMaximum

Maximum pixel value in the input cube to be mapped to the maximum value in the Buffer.

Definition at line 247 of file ProcessExport.h.

Referenced by GetInputMaximum(), InitProcess(), ProcessExport(), and SetInputRange().

◆ p_inputMiddle

std::vector<double> Isis::ProcessExport::p_inputMiddle

Middle pixel value in the input cube to be mapped to the (minimum+maximum)/2.0 value in the Buffer.

Definition at line 243 of file ProcessExport.h.

Referenced by InitProcess(), ProcessExport(), and SetInputRange().

◆ p_inputMinimum

std::vector<double> Isis::ProcessExport::p_inputMinimum

Minimum pixel value in the input cube to be mapped to the minimum value in the Buffer.

Definition at line 240 of file ProcessExport.h.

Referenced by GetInputMinimum(), InitProcess(), ProcessExport(), and SetInputRange().

◆ p_Lis

double Isis::ProcessExport::p_Lis

The output value for pixels whose input DNs are Low Instrument Saturation values.

Definition at line 261 of file ProcessExport.h.

Referenced by OutputLis(), and SetOutputLis().

◆ p_Lis_Set

bool Isis::ProcessExport::p_Lis_Set

Indicates whether p_Lis has been set (i.e.

if setLis() has been called).

Definition at line 272 of file ProcessExport.h.

Referenced by OutputLis(), ProcessExport(), and SetOutputLis().

◆ p_Lrs

double Isis::ProcessExport::p_Lrs

The output value for pixels whose input DNs are Low Representation Saturation values.

Definition at line 263 of file ProcessExport.h.

Referenced by OutputLrs(), and SetOutputLrs().

◆ p_Lrs_Set

bool Isis::ProcessExport::p_Lrs_Set

Indicates whether p_Lrs has been set (i.e.

if setLrs() has been called).

Definition at line 274 of file ProcessExport.h.

Referenced by OutputLrs(), ProcessExport(), and SetOutputLrs().

◆ p_Null

double Isis::ProcessExport::p_Null

The output value for pixels whose input DNs are Null values.

Definition at line 260 of file ProcessExport.h.

Referenced by OutputNull(), and SetOutputNull().

◆ p_Null_Set

bool Isis::ProcessExport::p_Null_Set

Indicates whether p_Null has been set (i.e.

if setNull() has been called).

Definition at line 270 of file ProcessExport.h.

Referenced by OutputNull(), ProcessExport(), and SetOutputNull().

◆ p_outputMaximum

double Isis::ProcessExport::p_outputMaximum

Desired maximum pixel value in the Buffer.

Definition at line 238 of file ProcessExport.h.

Referenced by GetOutputMaximum(), InitProcess(), OutputHis(), OutputHrs(), ProcessExport(), and SetOutputRange().

◆ p_outputMiddle

double Isis::ProcessExport::p_outputMiddle

Middle pixel value (minimum+maximun)/2.0 in the Buffer.

Definition at line 236 of file ProcessExport.h.

Referenced by InitProcess(), ProcessExport(), and SetOutputRange().

◆ p_outputMinimum

double Isis::ProcessExport::p_outputMinimum

Desired minimum pixel value in the Buffer.

Definition at line 235 of file ProcessExport.h.

Referenced by GetOutputMinimum(), InitProcess(), OutputLis(), OutputLrs(), OutputNull(), ProcessExport(), and SetOutputRange().

◆ p_pixelType

PixelType Isis::ProcessExport::p_pixelType

The bits per pixel of the output image.

Definition at line 254 of file ProcessExport.h.

Referenced by SetOutputType(), and StartProcess().

◆ p_progress

◆ p_propagateHistory

bool Isis::Process::p_propagateHistory

Flag indicating if history is to be propagated to output cubes.

Definition at line 176 of file Process.h.

◆ p_propagateLabels

bool Isis::Process::p_propagateLabels

Flag indicating if labels are be propagated to output cubes.

Definition at line 164 of file Process.h.

◆ p_propagateOriginalLabel

bool Isis::Process::p_propagateOriginalLabel

Flag indicating if original lable is to be propagated to output cubes.

Definition at line 180 of file Process.h.

◆ p_propagatePolygons

bool Isis::Process::p_propagatePolygons

Flag indicating if blobs are be propagated to output cubes.

Definition at line 172 of file Process.h.

◆ p_propagateTables

bool Isis::Process::p_propagateTables

Flag indicating if tables are be propagated to output cubes.

Definition at line 168 of file Process.h.

◆ p_str

std::vector<Stretch *> Isis::ProcessExport::p_str

Stretch object to ensure a reasonable range of pixel values in the output data.

Definition at line 256 of file ProcessExport.h.

Referenced by InitProcess(), StartProcess(), and ~ProcessExport().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: