Isis 3 Programmer Reference
14 #include <QWidgetAction>
16 #include "AbstractProjectItemView.h"
18 #include "XmlStackedHandler.h"
24 class QXmlStreamWriter;
34 class MdiCubeViewport;
38 class XmlStackedHandlerReader;
39 class ProjectItemViewMenu;
108 void save(QXmlStreamWriter &stream,
Project *project,
FileName newProjectRoot)
111 void modifyControlPoint(
ControlPoint *controlPoint, QString serialNumber);
113 void createControlPoint(
double latitude,
double longitude,
Cube *cube,
114 bool isGroundSource =
116 void controlPointAdded(QString newPointId);
117 void redrawMeasures();
124 void createActions(
Directory *directory);
151 virtual bool startElement(
const QString &namespaceURI,
const QString &localName,
152 const QString &qName,
const QXmlAttributes &atts);
153 virtual bool endElement(
const QString &namespaceURI,
const QString &localName,
154 const QString &qName);
Cube display widget for certain Isis MDI applications.
Cube * workspaceActiveCube()
Returns the cube of the active viewport in the Workspace, or a null pointer if no viewports are activ...
View that displays cubes in a QView-like way.
AbstractProjectItemView is a base class for views of a ProjectItemModel in Qt's model-view framework.
File name manipulation and expansion.
void enableActions()
Enables toolbars and toolpad actions/widgets.
void onCurrentChanged(const QModelIndex ¤t)
Slot to connect to the currentChanged() signal from a selection model.
CubeDnView(Directory *directory, QWidget *parent=0)
Constructs the view, initializing the tools.
ToolPad * m_toolPad
A tool bar for storing actions.
ProjectItemViewMenu * m_windowMenu
Window menu for storing actions.
Manage a stack of content handlers for reading XML files.
void onCubeViewportActivated(MdiCubeViewport *)
Slot to connect to the cubeViewportActivated signal from the Workspace.
The main project for ipce.
void onCubeViewportAdded(MdiCubeViewport *viewport)
Slot to connect to the viewportAdded signal from a Workspace.
QToolBar * m_permToolBar
A tool bar for storing actions.
void onCubeViewportDeleted(QObject *obj)
Slot to connect to the destroyed signal from a viewport.
QAction * m_separatorAction
A separator action that is reused.
QToolBar * m_activeToolBar
A tool bar for storing actions.
void leaveEvent(QEvent *event)
Disables actions when the cursor leaves the view.
ProjectItemViewMenu * m_optionsMenu
Options menu for storing actions.
void disableActions()
Disables toolbars and toolpad actions/widgets.
Directory * m_directory
The directory.
IO Handler for Isis Cubes.
void setWorkspaceActiveCube(Image *image)
Raises the subwindow corresponding with an image to the top.
This represents a cube in a project-based GUI interface.
void onItemAdded(ProjectItem *item)
Slot to connect to the itemAdded signal from a ProjectItemModel.
ProjectItemViewMenu * m_viewMenu
View menu for storing actions.
XML Handler that parses XMLs in a stack-oriented way.
Workspace * m_workspace
The workspace.
This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.
CubeDnView * m_cubeDnView
The view we are working with.
void enableControlNetTool(bool value)
A slot function that is called when directory emits a signal that an active control network is set.
QMap< Cube *, ProjectItem * > m_cubeItemMap
Maps cubes to their items.
Project * m_project
The current project.
This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.
QList< QWidget * > m_childWidgets
Child widgets of the active toolbar.
Represents an item of a ProjectItemModel in Qt's model-view framework.
void addItem(ProjectItem *item)
Adds an item to the view.