Isis 3 Programmer Reference
12 #include <QMainWindow>
20 #include "GuiCameraList.h"
21 #include "ImageList.h"
22 #include "MosaicSceneWidget.h"
23 #include "TargetBodyList.h"
24 #include "TemplateList.h"
25 #include "WorkOrder.h"
36 class AbstractProjectItemView;
37 class BundleObservation;
38 class BundleObservationView;
39 class ChipViewportsWidget;
41 class CnetEditorWidget;
44 class ControlPointEditView;
45 class ControlHealthMonitorView;
48 class Footprint2DView;
49 class HistoryTreeWidget;
50 class ImageFileListWidget;
51 class JigsawRunWidget;
52 class MatrixSceneWidget;
53 class MosaicSceneWidget;
56 class ProjectItemModel;
57 class ProjectItemTreeView;
58 class SensorInfoWidget;
60 class TargetInfoWidget;
61 class TemplateEditorWidget;
62 class WarningTreeWidget;
344 template <
typename DataType>
365 results.append(clone);
380 template <
typename Data>
391 void save(QXmlStreamWriter &stream,
FileName newProjectRoot)
394 void directoryCleaned();
397 void newWidgetAvailable(
QWidget *newWidget);
399 void closeView(
QWidget *widget);
402 void activeControlModified();
404 void redrawMeasures();
406 void cleanProject(
419 void cleanupJigsawRunWidget(
QObject *);
428 bool isGroundSource =
450 virtual bool startElement(
const QString &namespaceURI,
const QString &localName,
451 const QString &qName,
const QXmlAttributes &atts);
471 template <
typename WorkOrderType>
473 WorkOrderType *newWorkOrder =
new WorkOrderType(
500 QPointer<ControlHealthMonitorView> m_controlHealthMonitorView;
501 QPointer <ControlPointEditView> m_controlPointEditViewWidget;
545 bool m_recentProjectsLoaded;
549 #endif // Directory_H
Provides access to data stored in a Project through Qt's model-view framework.
SensorInfoWidget * addSensorInfoView(GuiCameraQsp camera)
Add sensor data view widget to the window.
void cleanupTargetInfoWidgets(QObject *)
Removes pointers to deleted TargetInfoWidget objects.
The Destructor for Directory::XmlHandler.
QPointer< WorkOrder > m_exportControlNetWorkOrder
The export ControlNetwork WorkOrder.
QList< QAction * > toolPadActions()
Get the list of actions that the Directory can provide for the Tool Pad.
QPointer< ProjectItemModel > m_projectItemModel
Pointer to the ProjectItemModel.
WorkOrderType * createWorkOrder()
Create a work order, append it to m_workOrders, and return it.
void save(QXmlStreamWriter &stream, FileName newProjectRoot) const
Save the directory to an XML file.
void load(XmlStackedHandlerReader *xmlReader)
Loads the Directory from an XML file.
void modifyControlPoint(ControlPoint *controlPoint, QString serialNumber="")
Slot that is connected from a left mouse button operation on views.
QList< CubeDnView * > cubeDnViews()
Accessor for the list of CubeDnViews currently available.
QList< Footprint2DView * > footprint2DViews()
Accessor for the list of Footprint2DViews currently available.
View that displays cubes in a QView-like way.
QPointer< JigsawRunWidget > m_jigsawRunWidget
Pointer to the JigsawRunWidget.
Provide Undo/redo abilities, serialization, and history for an operation.
QPointer< WorkOrder > m_runJigsawWorkOrder
The Run Jigsaw WorkOrder.
QList< QAction * > settingsMenuActions()
Get the list of actions that the Directory can provide for the settings menu.
QList< QPointer< TargetInfoWidget > > m_targetInfoWidgets
List of TargetInfoWidgets.
ProjectItemModel * model()
Gets the ProjectItemModel for this directory.
void cleanupMatrixViewWidgets(QObject *)
Removes pointers to deleted MatrixSceneWidget objects.
QList< QAction * > m_activeToolBarActions
List of active ToolBar actions.
ProjectItemTreeView * addProjectItemTreeView()
Adds a ProjectItemTreeView to the window.
QPointer< Project > m_project
Pointer to the Project.
QPointer< WorkOrder > m_saveProjectWorkOrder
The Save Project WorkOrder.
QList< TemplateEditorWidget * > templateEditorViews()
Accessor for the list of TemplateEditorWidgets currently available.
virtual bool isExecutable(Context)
Re-implement this method if your work order utilizes controls for data in order to operate.
File name manipulation and expansion.
QList< QAction * > m_editMenuActions
List of edit menu actions.
CnetEditorView * addCnetEditorView(Control *control, QString objectName="")
Add the widget for the cnet editor view to the window.
static bool actionTextLessThan(QAction *lhs, QAction *rhs)
This is for determining the ordering of the descriptive text of for the actions.
void initializeActions()
Initializes the actions that the Directory can provide to a main window.
static QList< QAction * > restructureActions(QList< QPair< QString, QList< QAction * > > >)
Reformat actionPairings to be user friendly for use in menus.
QList< QPointer< TemplateEditorWidget > > m_templateEditorWidgets
List of TemplateEditorWidgets.
QString editPointId()
Return the current control point id loaded in the ControlPointEditWidget.
The Destructor.
QWidget * warningWidget()
Returns a pointer to the warning widget.
QList< QAction * > supportedActions(DataType data)
Returns a list of supported actions for a WorkOrder.
QList< QPointer< WorkOrder > > m_workOrders
List of WorkOrders.
CubeDnView * addCubeDnView(QString objectName="")
Add the qview workspace to the window.
TargetInfoWidget * addTargetInfoView(TargetBodyQsp target)
Add target body data view widget to the window.
Directory * m_directory
Pointer to a Directory which is set by the XmlHandler class.
QList< QPointer< ImageFileListWidget > > m_fileListWidgets
List of ImageFileListWidgets.
QList< QPointer< Footprint2DView > > m_footprint2DViewWidgets
List of Footprint2DView objs.
QPointer< WorkOrder > m_closeProjectWorkOrder
The Close Project WorkOrder.
QPointer< WorkOrder > m_exportImagesWorkOrder
The export images WorkOrder.
BundleObservationView * addBundleObservationView(FileItemQsp fileItem)
Add the BundleObservationView to the window.
Project * project() const
Gets the Project for this directory.
QList< QPointer< SensorInfoWidget > > m_sensorInfoWidgets
List of SensorInfoWidgets.
void cleanupFileListWidgets(QObject *)
Removes pointers to deleted ImageFileListWidget objects.
void cleanupFootprint2DViewWidgets(QObject *)
Removes pointers to deleted Footprint2DView objects.
This represents an ISIS control net in a project-based GUI interface.
QPointer< WorkOrder > m_importShapesWorkOrder
The import shapes WorkOrder.
QString m_editPointId
Current control point that is in the ControlPointEditWidget.
void setWarningContainer(QDockWidget *warningContainer)
Set up the warning info in the warning dockable widget.
QPointer< WorkOrder > m_openProjectWorkOrder
The Open Project WorkOrder.
void setRecentProjectsList(QStringList recentProjects)
Add recent projects to the recent projects list.
void showWarning(QString text)
Displays a Warning.
Manage a stack of content handlers for reading XML files.
QStringList recentProjectsList()
Public accessor for the list of recent projects.
The main project for ipce.
View for editing a single ControlPoint.
virtual bool startElement(const QString &namespaceURI, const QString &localName, const QString &qName, const QXmlAttributes &atts)
The XML reader invokes this method at the start of every element in the XML document.
View for displaying BundleObservation CSV files.
void newActiveControl(bool newControl)
@description This slot is connected from the signal activeControlSet(bool) emitted from Project.
QList< QAction * > m_viewMenuActions
List of view menu actions.
QList< QAction * > helpMenuActions()
Get the list of actions that the Directory can provide for the help menu.
bool controlUsedInCnetEditorWidget(Control *control)
@description Return true if control is not currently being viewed in a CnetEditorWidget
QList< QProgressBar * > progressBars()
Gets the ControlNetEditor associated with this the Directory.
void clean()
Cleans directory of everything to do with the current project.
QList< QAction * > projectMenuActions()
Get the list of actions that the Directory can provide for the project menu.
QList< QAction * > m_projectMenuActions
List of project menu actions.
QList< QAction * > m_settingsMenuActions
List of menu settings actions.
QList< QAction * > editMenuActions()
Get the list of actions that the Directory can provide for the edit menu.
virtual void setData(Context)
Sets the context data for this WorkOrder.
QList< QAction * > viewMenuActions()
Get the list of actions that the Directory can provide for the view menu.
ImageFileListWidget * addImageFileListView(QString objectName="")
Add an imageFileList widget to the window.
QList< QAction * > m_permToolBarActions
List of perm ToolBar actions.
QList< QPointer< CubeDnView > > m_cubeDnViewWidgets
List of CubeDnCiew obs.
QList< QAction * > fileMenuActions()
Get the list of actions that the Directory can provide for the file menu.
View for the Control Net Health Monitor.
void cleanupControlPointEditViewWidget(QObject *)
Delete the ControlPointEditWidget and set it's pointer to NULL.
void cleanupCnetEditorViewWidgets(QObject *)
Removes pointers to deleted CnetEditorWidget objects.
void updateControlNetEditConnections()
Updates the SIGNAL/SLOT connections for the cotrol net editor.
void cleanupBundleObservationViews(QObject *)
Removes pointers to deleted BundleObservationView objects.
IO Handler for Isis Cubes.
void createControlPoint(double latitude, double longitude, Cube *cube=0, bool isGroundSource=false)
Slot that is connected from a right mouse button operation on views.
QPointer< HistoryTreeWidget > m_historyTreeWidget
Pointer to the HistoryTreeWidget.
QPointer< WorkOrder > m_importControlNetWorkOrder
The import ControlNetwork WorkOrder.
Ipce view containing the CnetEditorWidget.
QMultiMap< Control *, CnetEditorView * > m_controlMap
Map to hold every view with an open Control.
QList< MatrixSceneWidget * > matrixViews()
Accessor for the list of MatrixSceneWidgets currently available.
QList< QAction * > m_fileMenuActions
List of file menu actions.
void initiateRenameProjectWorkOrder(QString projectName)
Slot which is connected to the model's signal, projectNameEdited, which is emitted when the user doub...
XmlHandler(Directory *directory)
This function sets the Directory pointer for the Directory::XmlHandler class.
QList< QAction * > m_toolPadActions
List of ToolPad actions.
QAction * redoAction()
Creates an Action to redo the last action.
QPointer< WarningTreeWidget > m_warningTreeWidget
Pointer to the WarningTreeWidget.
void deleteControlPoint(ControlPoint *controlPoint)
Slot that is connected from a middle mouse button operation on views.
This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.
QStringList m_recentProjects
List of the names of recent projects.
Directory(QObject *parent=0)
The Constructor.
QList< CnetEditorView * > cnetEditorViews()
Returns a list of all the control network views for this directory.
QList< QPointer< CnetEditorView > > m_cnetEditorViewWidgets
List of CnetEditorViews.
void reloadActiveControlInCnetEditorView()
@description This slot was created specifically for the CnetEditorWidgets when user chooses a new act...
ControlPointEditView * controlPointEditView()
Gets the ControlPointEditWidget associated with the Directory.
XML Handler that parses XMLs in a stack-oriented way.
QList< SensorInfoWidget * > sensorInfoViews()
Accessor for the list of SensorInfoWidgets currently available.
Footprint2DView * addFootprint2DView(QString objectName="")
Add the qmos view widget to the window.
QPointer< WorkOrder > m_importRegistrationTemplateWorkOrder
The Import Registration Template WorkOrder.
QList< TargetInfoWidget * > targetInfoViews()
Accessor for the list of TargetInfoWidgets currently available.
void cleanupTemplateEditorWidgets(QObject *)
Removes pointers to deleted TemplateEditorWidget objects.
TemplateEditorWidget * addTemplateEditorView(Template *currentTemplate)
Add template editor view widget to the window.
void cleanupSensorInfoWidgets(QObject *)
Removes pointers to deleted SensorInfoWidget objects.
QPointer< WorkOrder > m_importImagesWorkOrder
The import images WorkOrder.
QPointer< WorkOrder > m_saveProjectAsWorkOrder
The Save Project As WorkOrder.
QPointer< WorkOrder > m_renameProjectWorkOrder
The Rename Project WorkOrder.
QAction * undoAction()
Creates an Action to undo the last action.
QList< QAction * > permToolBarActions()
Get the list of actions that the Directory can provide for the permanent Tool Bar.
QList< QAction * > m_helpMenuActions
List of help menu actions.
void cleanupCubeDnViewWidgets(QObject *)
Removes pointers to deleted CubeDnView objects.
A ProjectItemTreeView displays items from a ProjectItemProxyModel in a tree structure.
QList< QPointer< MatrixSceneWidget > > m_matrixViewWidgets
List of MatrixSceneWidgets.
QList< QAction * > activeToolBarActions()
Get the list of actions that the Directory can provide for the active Tool Bar.
void setHistoryContainer(QDockWidget *historyContainer)
Set up the history info in the history dockable widget.
void updateRecentProjects()
Loads and displays a list of recently opened projects in the file menu.
QPointer< WorkOrder > m_importMapTemplateWorkOrder
The Import Map Template WorkOrder.
This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.
MatrixSceneWidget * addMatrixView()
Add the matrix view widget to the window.
QList< ImageFileListWidget * > imageFileListViews()
Accessor for the list of ImageFileListWidgets currently available.
void showWarning(QString text, Data data)
Shows warning text for a Widget.
QPointer< WorkOrder > m_openRecentProjectWorkOrder
The Open Recent Project WorkOrder.