Isis Developer Reference
PvlToJSON.h File Reference
#include <nlohmann/json.hpp>
#include "QString"

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namespace  Isis
 This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.


json Isis::pvlToJSON (Pvl &pvl)
 Convert the contents of a Pvl to a JSON object.
json Isis::pvlToJSON (QString pvlFile)
 Converts an PVL file to a json object.
json Isis::pvlContainerToJSON (PvlContainer &container)
 Convert the contents of a PvlContainer to a JSON object.
json Isis::pvlKeywordToJSON (PvlKeyword &keyword)
 Convert the contents of a PvlKeyword to a JSON object.
json Isis::pvlGroupToJSON (PvlGroup &group)
 Convert the contents of a PvlGroup to a JSON object.
json Isis::pvlObjectToJSON (PvlObject &object)
 Convert the contents of a PvlObject to a JSON object.