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Isis Developer Reference
isisDoxyDefs.doxydef File Reference

This file contains internal configuration settings for the Isis API and Programmer documentation. More...


namespace  Isis
 This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.
namespace  Isis::Message
 Namespace containing standardized Isis error messages.
namespace  Galileo
 Namespace for all Isis Galileo mission objects.
namespace  Isis::Mgs
 Namespace for all Isis Mars Global Surveyor mission objects.
namespace  Isis::Mro
 Namespace for all Isis Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter mission objects.
namespace  Isis::Odyssey
 Namespace for all Isis Mars Odyssey mission objects.
namespace  Isis::Lo
 Namespace for all Isis Lunar Orbiter mission objects.
namespace  Isis::Lro
 Namespace for all Isis Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter mission objects.
namespace  Qisis
 Namespace for the Isis visualazation objects.
namespace  std
 Namespace for the standard library.

Detailed Description

This file contains internal configuration settings for the Isis API and Programmer documentation.

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File Modified: 03/27/2024 15:39:08