16 class UniversalGroundMap;
101 unsigned int &x,
unsigned int &y);
106 void SetGridBit(
unsigned int x,
unsigned int y,
bool latGrid);
107 bool GetGridBit(
unsigned int x,
unsigned int y,
bool latGrid);
109 unsigned int x2,
unsigned int y2,
Defines an angle and provides unit conversions.
Calculates a lat/lon grid over an area.
void SetGridBit(unsigned int x, unsigned int y, bool latGrid)
This flags a bit as on the grid lines.
Longitude * p_minLon
Lowest longitude in image.
double p_defaultResolution
Default step size in degrees/pixel.
Latitude maxLatitude() const
Returns the maximum latitude for the grid.
char * p_lonLinesGrid
This stores the bits of each pixel in the grid.
Latitude * p_minLat
Lowest latitude in image.
GroundGrid(UniversalGroundMap *gmap, bool splitLatLon, bool extendGrid, unsigned int width, unsigned int height)
This method initializes the class by allocating the grid, calculating the lat/lon range,...
virtual ~GroundGrid()
Delete the object.
PvlGroup * p_mapping
The mapping group representation of the projection or camera.
void CreateGrid(Latitude baseLat, Longitude baseLon, Angle latInc, Angle lonInc, Progress *progress=0)
This method draws the grid internally, using default resolutions.
void SetGroundLimits(Latitude minLat, Longitude minLon, Latitude maxLat, Longitude maxLon)
This restricts (or grows) the ground range in which to draw grid lines.
bool PixelOnGrid(int x, int y)
Returns true if the grid is on this point.
Latitude minLatitude() const
Returns the minimum latitude for the grid.
UniversalGroundMap * p_groundMap
This calculates single grid pts.
UniversalGroundMap * GroundMap()
Returns the ground map for children.
Longitude minLongitude() const
Returns the minimum longitude for the grid.
unsigned int p_width
This is the width of the grid.
PvlGroup * GetMappingGroup()
Returns a mapping group representation of the projection or camera.
bool m_extendGrid
If the grid should extend past the longitude domain boundary.
unsigned long p_gridSize
This is width*height.
char * p_latLinesGrid
This stores the bits of each pixel in the grid.
void DrawLineOnGrid(unsigned int x1, unsigned int y1, unsigned int x2, unsigned int y2, bool isLatLine)
This sets the bits on the grid along the specified line.
Longitude maxLongitude() const
Returns the maximum longitude for the grid.
bool GetGridBit(unsigned int x, unsigned int y, bool latGrid)
Returns true if the specified coordinate is on the grid lines.
bool p_reinitialize
True if we need to reset p_grid in CreateGrid.
unsigned int p_height
This is the height of the grid.
char * p_grid
This stores the bits of each pixel in the grid.
virtual bool GetXY(Latitude lat, Longitude lon, unsigned int &x, unsigned int &y)
This method converts a lat/lon to an X/Y.
void WalkBoundary()
This draws grid lines along the extremes of the lat/lon box of the grid.
Longitude * p_maxLon
Highest longitude in image.
Latitude * p_maxLat
Highest latitude in image.
This class is designed to encapsulate the concept of a Latitude.
This class is designed to encapsulate the concept of a Longitude.
Program progress reporter.
Contains multiple PvlContainers.
This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.