Isis 2 Documentation

Introduction to ISIS Geodesy Software

Written by Ben Atkin
June 15, 2005


A number of planetary geodesy programs were added to ISIS in the ISIS 2.3.0 release. The original versions of many of these programs were provided to USGS by M. Davies and T. Colvin of the RAND corporation in 2000. Since then they have been maintained and updated at USGS, with new scripts and programs added, under the direction of B. Archinal. The overall set of programs has been variously known as the RAND software, the RAND/USGS Planetary Geodesy (RUPG) software, or the RAND/USGS Bundle Adjustment and CONtrol (RUBACON) software. The programming team has made them part of ISIS, and the programs can now be referred to as the ISIS geodesy programs. The programs include "", "", and "", which are Perl scripts typically run directly by users in order to perform a least squares photogrammetric solution for a local, regional, or global planetary control network. Two programs, "" and "" can be used to merge or reformat millimeter measurement or pole, point, and picture (PPP) files. Other programs include "", "clemchange", "dtmradius", "isschange", "lochange", "new_voyager", "radar", "randlsq", "summation_mode", "worst_res", and "xypxy0vik", which typically are run indirectly via the scripts.

This page contains links to file format information. Program descriptions are available from the ISIS Program List under the Geometric Control and Image Coregistration header. Tutorials are available at the ISIS 2.3 Tutorials page. Data used with and solutions performed with these programs are being made available from a "Solar System Control Networks" website, at

File Formats

Millimeter Measurement Files
Pole, Point, and Picture Files (a priori and solution data)
PVL Parameter Files

Last updated: Jun 15 2005
File: intro_geodesy.html

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