Isis 2 Documentation

ISIS Display Program Summary

ISIS Display Program Summary
May 17, 1999
Written by Jim Torson
Updated August 15, 2000

The following is a summary of the ISIS display programs that can be invoked from IDL. To run a program, start up IDL and type the name of the program along with any necessary parameters.

  1. "cv" - Cube Visualization program. Allows interactive display of ISIS cube files. (Most other 2D or 3D image files can also be displayed by using an ISIS detached label or by using the "raw2isis" program to convert the data to a standard ISIS cube file.) This includes functions such as displaying selected spatial-spatial or spatial-spectral slices through the cube, "movie" display of different slices, reporting cursor coordinates and associated pixel values, zoom and roam of displayed images, plotting specta at selected spatial locations, plotting spatial profiles, and hard-copy output. "cv" can be used for visualization of both single-band images that contain a large spatial extent and imaging spectrometer data cubes that contain many wavelength bands.

  2. "cvplot" - A routine that can be called from IDL to make data plots from data contained in IDL arrays. This uses the same plotting routines as are used by the "cv" Cube Visualization program. Thus, it allows "drag and drop" copying of data plots between "cv" plot windows and "cvplot" windows. It also allows the same interactive control over the plotting, e.g., control of plot ranges, window resizing, control of plotting symbols, colors, and line styles, setting plot titles, PostScript output for hard copy, etc.

  3. "tvtie" - Interactive setting of tie points or match points.

  4. "wtie" - Provides a widget interface that allows interactive specification of parameters for running "tvtie" in TIE POINT mode.

  5. "wmatch" - Provides a widget interface that allows interactive specification of parameters for running "tvtie" in MATCH POINT mode.

  6. "multimatch" - Runs "tvtie" multiple times in MATCH POINT mode. There is one optional parameter, which specifies the name of a disk file that contains the names of the files that are to be processed. This is intended to be used for processing the files that could not be automatically matched using the "matchpt" program. ("matchpt" records the names of these files in an output file that has a default name of 'no3match.fil'.) If no file name is specified when "multimatch" is invoked, then it will display a list of available files and allow the user to pick the desired file. The default selected file will be 'no3match.fil'.

    "multimatch" has an optional keyword parameter ENTRY, which allows starting the processing at a specified entry number rather than the first one. While interacting with "multimatch", the user can also set an entry number for the next entry to be processed.

    When "multimatch" runs "tvtie", the default is to run it with the default values for its optional keyword parameters. "multimatch" has a set of optional keyword parameters that have the same names as the "tvtie" parameters. These allow setting values for the "tvtie" parameters.

  7. "tvimp" - A slightly modified version of "tvtie" that allows interactive setting of match points for images generated by the Imager for Mars Pathfinder (IMP). This allows setting as many as 99 match points on one cube file. Some of the "tvtie" interactive functions are not relevant because the IMP images do not include latitude/longitude information.

  8. "wimp" - Provides a widget interface that allows interactive specification of parameters for running "tvimp".

  9. "multiimp" - Runs "tvimp" multiple times. This is the same as "multimatch" except that it runs "tvimp" rather than "tvtie". Each line of the input file contains the file specifications for the pair of files to matched. These are separated by a space character.

  10. "isis2std" - Displays a single band of an ISIS cube file as a gray-scale image or displays three bands as a Red/Green/Blue color composite image. The stretch of the displayed image can be adjusted, and the resulting image can then be written out to a standard image file format, e.g., TIFF (lossless) or JPEG (a lossy compression format with a user-specified quality).

  11. "viewspec" - Display program that was implemented by Harold Garbeil ( at the University of Hawaii. (All the other programs listed above were implemented by Jim Torson at the USGS in Flagstaff.)

The following are routines that can be called from an IDL program. These do not perform any display operation, but they can be used to write an IDL program that performs specialized processing of ISIS cube data.

  1. "readisis" - Reads data from the core of an ISIS cube file and returns the data in an IDL array.

  2. "writeisis" - Creates a new ISIS cube file and writes data from an IDL array into the core of the cube file.

  3. "readbackplane" - Reads backplane of ISIS cube file into an IDL array.

The following is a summary of the ISIS display programs that can be invoked from TAE under X windows:

  1. "qview" - An X windows based cube display program. Allows interactive display of ISIS cube files. Functions include zoom, roam, linear stretch, pixel lists, and cube editing. Also, the program can track the cursor position to report sample/line versus latitude/longitude when possible. For more detailed information help can be obtained from the TAE PDF file (e.g., type "help qview" while in TAE).

Last updated: Oct 24 2003
File: isis_disp_sum.html

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