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Copys labels and blobs from one cube into another cube.



This application copys labels between cubes. Think long and hard before you use this program as there should hopefully be some way of doing what you want that doesn't require this. Be thoughtful and careful when using this program, it can be used to create cubes which are 100% invalid, incorrect, and wrong. This is especially true when the source file is not a cube but a simple Pvl.

With that out of the way, the label groups that can be copied by default are:

As well as the following blobs: By default, the blobs associated with Kernels are copied, if it is requested for kernels to be copied. The application also allows for and groups desired to be manually put in and copied, as well as any blobs that may exist in the source cube.

There are effectively three input sets that the program may be run on, those are:

For the last details about how the program works, Groups are always expected to be inside an IsisCube Object, and Blobs to be copied always inside the base Pvl. The program will throw exceptions if it encounters conditions where it can't legitimately continue copying, however, in most cases it will run through. To do this, it makes several assumptions about desired behaviors. If a group or blob is requested, the application will try to copy it, if the application can't find the group, the app continues, if the group exists in the FROM cube, the app will delete it. For blobs, again, if the app can find it, the app will copy it over, if it can't be found, the app will continue.


Parameter Groups


Name Description
FROM Cube to have labels copied to
SOURCE Label source file

Labels to copy

Name Description
INSTRUMENT Copy Instrument group
BANDBIN Copy BandBin group
KERNELS Copy the Kernels group
MAPPING Copy the Mapping group
RADIOMETRY Copy the Radiometry group
POLYGON Copy the Polygon blob
CAMSTATS Copy the CameraStatistics blob
GROUPS Copy the given groups, in CSV format
BLOBS Copy over the given blobs, in CSV format

Files: FROM


The cube which will be modified and have the labels copied into.

Type cube
File Mode input
Filter *.cub



The file which the labels will come from. If this file is a cube then some minimal safety checks will be performed. If it is not a cube, the desired groups must be in the IsisCube object. Blobs will not be copied if it is just a label file.

Type cube
File Mode input
Filter *.cub *.lbl *.pvl

Labels to copy: INSTRUMENT


Copy the Instrument group over, can only be copied if sample and line counts are equal or of equal scale.

Type boolean
Default TRUE

Labels to copy: BANDBIN


Copy the BandBin group over, can only be copied if the number of bands matches.

Type boolean
Default TRUE

Labels to copy: KERNELS


Copy the Kernels group over as well as the four table blobs usually associated with it, those are InstrumentPointing, InstrumentPosition, SunPosition, and BodyRotation. They will only be copied if they exist. Obviously these blobs can only be copied if SOURCE is a cube.

Type boolean
Default TRUE

Labels to copy: MAPPING


Copy the Mapping group over, can only be done when the cubes rae the same size or have matching scaling factors.

Type boolean
Default TRUE

Labels to copy: RADIOMETRY


Copy the Radiometry group over, if the image data isn't the same between the two cubes, the data stored in the Radiometry group will be completely invalid.

Type boolean
Default TRUE

Labels to copy: POLYGON


Copy the Polygon blob over, if the input file is a cube and has a Polygon blob.

Type boolean
Default TRUE

Labels to copy: CAMSTATS


Copy the CameraStatistics blob over, if the input file is a cube and has a CameraStatistics blob.

Type boolean
Default TRUE

Labels to copy: GROUPS


Copy and given groups over to the FROM cube, groups must exist in the IsisCube Object to be copied, and must be specified with exact spelling, comma separated.

Type string
Internal Default none

Labels to copy: BLOBS


Copy over the given Blobs to the FROM cube, blobs must be specified in the following format: <Object name>:Name keyword comma separated. For example, Table:CameraStatistics,... would do the same as the above CAMSTATS option.

Type string
Internal Default none


Mackenzie Boyd2011-04-27 Original version.

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File Modified: 02/21/2025 20:05:55