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Convert Hayabusa1 image from from ISIS cube to PDS4 format



This programs exports an ISIS Haybusa cube to a PDS4 product. If available, Instrument and Mapping information will be written to the detached output PDS4 formatted xml label file.

Note that not all require keyword values in the generated PDS4 labels can be determined automatically by ISIS. Some must be updated by the user (by opening up the xml label output by this application and editing it with a text editor) for the generated label to be PDS4 compliant. The values UNK (unknown) and TBD (to be determined) are used as placeholders in the generated label. TBD are PDS4 required values and must be replaced by the user for the output label to be PDS4 compliant. Some of these TBDs can only be replaced with one of several specific enumerated values to meet compliancy. These possible values can be found in the PDS4 Information Model Specification in the Value/Class column of the table for the associated tag or in the index at the end of the document. Searching this page for the name of the field you need to determine a value for is recommended.

For example: For a cube with map-projected data, ISIS will populate planar_coordinate encoding_method with a value on its own, but if it did not and instead had "TBD", we would find at planar_coordinate_coding_method that there are 3 possible values: 'Coordinate Pair', 'Distance and Bearing', 'Row and Column'.

Not everything is in the PDS4 Information Model Specification at this time, so if the information about a tag is not in there, it may be necessary to find the options in the appropriate schematron file (.sch) available at: PDS4 Released Schema. For the previous example, the same information can be found in the PDS4 Cartography schematron file .

UNK is used as a placeholder if any value can be used and still be a valid PDS4-formatted xml header. UNKs can, but are not required to be, replaced by the user with better information.


Parameter Groups


Name Description
FROM Input cube to be converted
TO Output pds image


Name Description
PDS4LOGICALIDENTIFIER String value for the PDS4 logical_identifier keyword.

Files: FROM


The cube to be converted to pds format.

Type cube
File Mode input
Filter *.cub

Files: TO


The resulting pds file. For PDS4, a detached label of the same name with the file extension .xml will be created in the same directory.

Type filename
File Mode output
Filter *.img



This value is used to set the required PDS4 value, logical_identifier. It should be a 6-part colon separated string of the form urn:space_agency:archiving_agency:pds_approved_bundle_id:pds_approved_collection_id:product_id. Note that space_agency is generally "nasa" and archiving_agency is generally "pds".

Type string


Jeannie Backer2018-05-20 Original version