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Perform basic camera accuracy tests

Overview Parameters


This application is for camera development and is not supported for general public use. This program will do basic tests for new camera models. There are calls to SetImage(sample, line) and SetUniversalGround(lat, lon) that are used to test translations from image coordinates to geometric coordinates and back. Either one of these calls can fail and are indicated by unique special pixel values. If a call to SetImage(sample, line) fails, the output image is set to the Low Representation Saturation (Lrs) special value. Failures in calls to SetUniversalGround(lat, lon) are set to High Representation Saturation (Hrs) value. The number of pixels for which SetImage(sample, line) fails is output as FailedConversionsToLatLong. The number of pixels for which SetImage(sample, line) succeeded but then SetUniversalGround(lat, lon) failed is output as FailedConversionsToSampleLine. If ERROR is chosen for FORMAT, then statistics on the error will also be output.



Steven Lambright2009-02-06 Original Version
Steven Lambright2009-06-11 Now tests the center of each pixel instead of edges - this upset pushframe tests a lot and produced inaccurate results.
Kris Becker2011-02-16 Corrected a bug where the sample was off by one (used as a 0-based index instead of 1-based); Set failures in calls to SetImage (Lrs) and SetUniversalGround (Hrs) to special pixel values so they are distinguishable. Documented this behaviour.
Jesse Mapel2016-03-25 Now outputs statistics on the number of failed calls to SetImage and SetUniversalGround. For FROMAT=ERROR, statistics on the error are also output.

Parameter Groups


Name Description
FROM Input cube
TO Output cube


Name Description
FORMATUnits of the output cube

Files: FROM


The cube which needs to be tested

Type cube
File Mode input
Filter *.cub
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Files: TO


Type cube
File Mode output
Pixel Type real
Filter *.cub
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Options: FORMAT


Type string
Default ERR
Option List:
Option Brief Description
LATOutput latitudesOutput is latitudes; NULL if SetImage(samp,line) failed
LONOutput universal longitudesOutput is universal longitudes; NULL if SetImage(samp,line) failed
ERROutput sample/line errors SetImage(s,l) will return a (lat,lon). This (lat,lon) will be passed into SetUniversalGround(lat,lon). The output is the distance from the input (sample,line) and the resulting (sample,line) after the SetUniversalGround(lat,lon) call. This tests how accurate the camera model converts l,s->lat,lon->l,s
SAMPOutput sample SetImage(s,l) will return a (lat,lon). This (lat,lon) will be passed into SetUniversalGround(lat,lon). The output is the resulting sample after the SetUniversalGround(lat,lon) call.
LINEOutput sample SetImage(s,l) will return a (lat,lon). This (lat,lon) will be passed into SetUniversalGround(lat,lon). The output is the resulting line after the SetUniversalGround(lat,lon) call.
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