Setting this option to true will case all pixels around the edge of
the cube to be set to the boundary pixel value. Otherwise they will
be left alone or set to NULL.
This will set the borders around the contiguous pixels to 255 and will leave the pixels
contained within the regions at their original value.
GUI Screenshot
Outline Gui
Example Gui
Screenshot of GUI for yhr Outline application.
Input Image
Input artificial cube.
Input image for outline
Parameter Name:
This is the 800 by 800 input image for the outline example.
This is an artificial cube for the sake of demonstration.
Output Image
Output image clearly demonstrating the boundaries created by Outline.
Output image for outline
Parameter Name:
This is the 800 by 800 output image demonstrating the results of Outline.
White lines (DN = 255) mark the boundaries between contiguous pixels.
This is with Clear=False, Edges=True and Boundary=255.