This program will output the DN value at a cumulative
percentage in a histogram. For example, requesting
the 50% DN will output the median. Values such as
the 0.5% and 99.5% are good for selecting minimums and
maximums which do not include outliers. The histogram
will be obtained from a single band in the input cube and
is identified using the band specifier (e.g., file.cub:5).
In general, this program is used
within batch jobs, perl programs, or other scripting
languages. The value(s) will be written to the output
text file specified by the parameter TO and it can
be extracted using the "getkey" program. If multiple
percents were requested, the values are printed to the
text file in the same order as the requested percents
and are comma delimited.
A text file in label format which will contain
the results of this program. This file can
be used inconjunction with the "getkey" program
in order to pass the results to another program.
This parameter indicates the cumulative percentage
to examine in the histogram. The DN value at that
percentage will be output by this program. For example,
PERCENTAGE=50 will return the median of the image.
When entering multiple percentages, be sure they are
comma delimited.