ISIS Documentation
Session LogsGuide to understanding, controlling, and reading Session Logs | Home |
Session logs are a mechanism for users to keep track of work they have done. It is a record of the execution of an ISIS program or sequence of ISIS programs. Information written to the log includes:
Control of session logs can be handled via user preferences. For specific information on these preferences see the ISIS Preference Dictionary.
Group = SessionLog TerminalOutput = On | Off FileOutput = On | Off FileName = print.prt FileAccess = Append | Overwrite EndGroup
The output format for session logs is the Parameter Value Language. An example log file for a program would be as follows:
Object = Highpass IsisVersion = 3.0 ProgramVersionDate = 2003-05-16 ExecutionDateTime = 2003-06-25T12:18:45 ComputerName = char UserName = janderso ProgramDescription = "Apply a high pass filter to a cube" Group = UserParameters From = input.cub To = output.cub Samples = 5 Lines = 5 Low = "Use all pixels" High = "Use all pixels" Minimum = 0 Propagate = True EndGroup Group = Results PixelsChanged = 1024000 PercentChanged = 100.0 EndGroup Group = Accounting ConnectTime = 0:00:05.2 CpuTime = 0:00:04.1 DirectIO = 0 PageFaults = 2673 ProcessSwaps = 0 EndGroup EndObject
If an error occurred during the processing the file may look like,
Object = Highpass IsisVersion = 3.0 ProgramVersionDate = 2003-05-16 ExecutionDateTime = 2003-06-25T12:18:45 ComputerName = char UserName = janderso ProgramDescription = "Apply a high pass filter to a cube" Group = UserParameters From = moon.cub To = output.cub Samples = 5 Lines = 5 Low = "Use all pixels" High = "Use all pixels" Minimum = 0 Propagate = True EndGroup Group = Error Program = Highpass Class = "I/O ERROR" Code = -3 Message = "Unable to open cube [moon.cub]" Source = IsisCube.cpp Line = 203 EndGroup EndObject
One method of session logging is writing the information to STDOUT , that is, the terminal. This can be turned on or off with user preferences:
Group = SessionLog TerminalOutput = On | Off EndGroup
The user can utilize standard Unix constructs to redirect the output if desired. For example,
stats from=moon.cub > stats.log
Another method of session logging is writing information to a file. Again control of this mechanism is through the user preferences:
Group = SessionLog FileOutput = On | Off FileName = print.prt FileAccess = Append | Overwrite EndGroup