Isis 2 Documentation
What's New on the ISIS Web Site
- Jul 14, 2006
- ISIS Release Notes - Jul 14th, 2006
Release Notes have been linked. These notes include descriptions of the new
updates included in this release.
- ISIS Program List - Alphabetical and
ISIS Program List - Menu Categories - Updated
these two pages with new ISIS programs.
- NAIF SPICE Kernels -
Updated to include the extended mission mapping cycles 85 through 93.
- Installation Guide - Updated with new
platform test verifications, and new ISIS data directory sizes.
- Nov 17, 2005
- ISIS Release Notes - Nov 18th, 2005
Release Notes have been linked. These notes include descriptions of the new
updates included in this release.
- ISIS Program List - Alphabetical and
ISIS Program List - Menu Categories - Updated
these two pages with new ISIS programs.
- NAIF SPICE Kernels -
Updated to include the extended mission mapping cycles 79 through 84.
- Programmer Documentation - Added new
notes on ISIS 2.3.X source code and programming environment.
- June 24, 2005
- ISIS Release Notes - June 24th, 2005
Release Notes have been linked. These notes include descriptions of the new
updates included in this release.
- ISIS Program List - Alphabetical and
ISIS Program List - Menu Categories - Updated
these two pages with new ISIS programs.
- NAIF SPICE Kernels -
Updated to include the extended mission mapping cycles 76 through 78.
- ISIS Documentation - Added *NEW*
Viking Image Processing using ISIS Level
Software page. The existing "Viking Image Processing using ISIS Software"
page is now Viking Image Processing using Pre
ISIS Level Software.
- ISIS Documentation - Added two *NEW*
"Controlled Mosaicing Procedures (ISIS Geodesy Software)" pages. They are:
Making Controlled Mosaics of Viking Images
and Making Controlled Mosaics of CASSINI
- February 10, 2005
- ISIS Release Notes - February 10th, 2005
Release Notes have been linked. These notes include descriptions of the new
updates included in this release.
- ISIS Program List - Alphabetical and
ISIS Program List - Menu Categories - Updated
these two pages with new ISIS programs.
- NAIF SPICE Kernels -
Updated to include the extended mission mapping cycles 67 through 75.
- October 22, 2004
- ISIS Release Notes - October 22nd, 2004
Release Notes have been linked. These notes include descriptions of the new
updates included in this release.
- ISIS Program List - Alphabetical and
ISIS Program List - Menu Categories - Updated
these two pages with new ISIS programs.
- August 20, 2004
- ISIS Documentatation Main Page and ISIS Documentation - Removed the "ISIS
Registration" and "ISIS Discussion" buttons and links, and redirected the links
for "Requested Changes and Features" and "User Feedback" to the ISIS Support Center (URL:
- ISIS Acquisition - Changed the ISIS
distribution method from DVD and "rsync" to just "rsync".
- ISIS Overview - Updated the supported
platforms under ISIS.
- NAIF SPICE Kernels -
Updated to include the extended mission mapping cycles 55 through 66.
- Distribution and Support Policy and Policy on Support for External ISIS Users -
Changed the ISIS distribution method from DVD and "rsync" to just "rsync"
and updated the ISIS Support Center link to point to the new support forum.
- Policy on ISIS Programming and Production of Digital Image Models with
ISIS - Updated the ISIS Support Center link to point to the new support
- Credits and Acknowledgements - Updated
with the new missions Caasini, Mars Exploration Rover (MER) and Mars Express
- June 09, 2004
- ISIS Release Notes - June 15th, 2004
Release Notes have been linked. These notes include descriptions of the new
updates included in this release.
- ISIS Program List - Alphabetical and
ISIS Program List - Menu Categories - Updated
these two pages with new ISIS programs.
- ISIS Installation Guide - Updated for the
June 15th, 2004 release: added the new Cassini and Mars Express data to the
optional ISIS data kit installation; updated the supported platforms
specifications; announced "rsync" as the prime public distribution method (DVD
distributions are no longer available).
- All support is now handled through the Isis Support Center
- August 29, 2003
- Mars Odyssey THEMIS Geometry Processing
With ISIS - Updated to reflect the software changes since the March 20th,
2003 ISIS update.
- July 31, 2003
- NAIF SPICE Kernels -
Updated to include the extended mission mapping cycles 43 through 54.
- July 23, 2003
- ISIS Release Notes - July 23rd, 2003
Release Notes have been linked. These notes include descriptions of the new
updates included in this release.
- ISIS Program List - Alphabetical and
ISIS Program List - Menu Categories - Updated
these two pages with new ISIS programs.
- ISIS Installation Guide - Updated for the
July 23rd, 2003 release - Added the new Mars Exploration Rover data to the
optional ISIS data kit installation.
- April 01, 2003
- NAIF SPICE Kernels -
Updated to include the extended mission mapping cycles 31 through 42.
- March 25, 2003
- ISIS Release Notes - March 20th, 2003
Release Notes have been linked. These notes include descriptions of the new
updates included in this release.
- ISIS Program List - Alphabetical and
ISIS Program List - Menu Categories - Updated
these two pages with new ISIS programs.
- ISIS Installation Guide - Updated for the
March 20, 2003 release - Added the new PDPLOT utility to the ISIS base kit
- March 05, 2003
- All support is now handled through the Isis Support Center (URL: - SUPERSEDED JUNE 09, 2004.
- February 14, 2003
- Mars Odyssey THEMIS Geometry Processing
With ISIS - Updated to reflect the software changes as of the January 30,
2003 ISIS update.
- February 07, 2003
- ISIS Documentation - TES Emissivity Data Processing with ISIS - A new
page to announce TES processing capabilities with ISIS.
- ISIS Program List - Alphabetical and
ISIS Program List - Menu Categories - Updated
these two pages with new ISIS programs.
- ISIS Release Notes - January 30th, 2003
Release Notes have been linked. These notes include descriptions of the new
updates included in this release.
- November 05, 2002
- ISIS Installation Guide - Updated for the
October 15, 2002 release.
- ISIS Documentation - Removed links to
Patch Installation Guide.
- ISIS Acquisistion - Removed references
and links to ISIS Patch Request web page, and Compaq Alpha platforms, and
announced the new download utility "rsync". Updated the ISIS Relase date to
Nov 15, 2002.
- ISIS Distribution and Support Policies -
Updated this page with the new THEMIS and Lunar Orbiter data areas, and
announced the new "rsync" utility.
- September 13, 2002
- Mars Odyssey THEMIS Geometry
Processing With ISIS - This page has been created to introduce the new
THEMIS processing with ISIS.
- September 12, 2002
- ISIS Program List - Alphabetical and
ISIS Program List - Menu Categories - Updated
these two pages with new ISIS programs.
- ISIS Patches and ISIS Release Notes - Removed patch links and patch release notes for
May 15th, 2002 ISIS Release.
- October 15th, 2002 Release Notes - New
Description of updates included in this release.
- April 10, 2002
- ISIS Program List - Alphabetical and
ISIS Program List - Menu Categories - Updated
these two pages with new ISIS programs.
- December 05, 2001
- ISIS Program List - Alphabetical and
ISIS Program List - Menu Categories - Updated
these two pages with new ISIS programs.
- November 28, 2001
- ISIS Patches and
ISIS Release Notes - Added a link to the November
16, 2001 "cv" patch and patch release notes, and removed links to the June 26,
2001 "cv" patch and patch release notes.
- November 16, 2001
- ISIS Patches and
ISIS Release Notes - Added a link to the November
16, 2001 "dform" and "mosaic" patches and patch release notes.
- October 12, 2001
- ISIS Patches and
ISIS Release Notes - Added a link to the October
12, 2001 moc2isis_translation.def.1 patch.
- September 13, 2001
- MGS Mars Orbiter Camera Image
Processing with ISIS - Added a link to "NAIF SPICE Kernels in the ISIS
- August 24, 2001
- ISIS Patches and
ISIS Release Notes - Added a link to the June 26,
2001 patches and patch release notes.
- August 21, 2001
- ISIS Patches and
ISIS Release Notes - Added a link to the July 19,
2001 and August 16, 2001 patches and patch release notes.
- June 08, 2001
- ISIS Documentation - Added a link to the
new page Accessing an ISIS Cube from an IDL
- May 23, 2001
- ISIS Appendix E - Environment Variables -
Updated to include a description of the use of the PERL5LIB environment
- ISIS Patches and ISIS Release Notes - Removed patch links and patch release notes for
August 2000 ISIS Release.
- Frequently Asked Questions - Redefined the issue
of needing Perl to successfully install ISIS as pertaining to the August 15,
2000 release only.
- May 22, 2001
- MGS/MOC Image Processing Capabilities
with ISIS - This page has been updated to reflect the current state of MOC
processing capabilities.
- ISIS Documentation - Added links to two
new pages for the May 15, 2001 release:
Projection Offset Parameter Discrepancies Among USGS-Produced Planetary Digital
Global Maps and Definition of Keywords in the
Image Map Projection Group for ISIS.
- ISIS Program List - Alphabetical and
ISIS Program List - Menu Categories - Updated
these two pages with new ISIS programs.
- May 15th, 2001 Release Notes - New Description
of updates included in this release.
- ISIS Installation Guide - Updated for the
May 15, 2001 release.
- May 1, 2001
- ISIS Acquisition - Added a request for
the "Number of people that will be using ISIS".
- April 24, 2001
- ISIS Program List - Alphabetical and
ISIS Program List - Menu Categories - Updated
these two pages with new ISIS programs.
- ISIS Known Bugs - Deleted bug reports
relating to "tvtie", "cv", and "isis2std".
- March 28, 2001
- ISIS Program List - Alphabetical and
ISIS Program List - Menu Categories - Updated
these two pages with new IDL and ISIS programs.
- March 15, 2001
- ISIS Docmentation - Added a link to the
HDF/HDF-EOS Standalone CV (Cube Visualization Program).
- ISIS Patches - Added notes for March
14, 2001 HDF/HDF-EOS Standalone CV software patch.
- ISIS Release Notes - Updated the menu with the HDF/HDF-EOS Standalone CV release notes link.
- November 21, 2000
- Notes on Use of the IDL Display Programs -
Added an explanation on how to turn off GNOME.
- August 15th, 2000 Release Notes - Added a
message pertaining to the necessity of PERL for successfull ISIS release CD-ROM
- ISIS Installation Guide - Added a message
pertaining to the necessity of PERL for successfull ISIS release CD-ROM
- Frequently Asked Questions - Added an explanation
of how to download ISIS from the ISIS release CD-ROM when PERL is not locally
installed. Also defined how to properly mount the ISIS release CD-ROM on an
Alpha OFS1 system.
- November 1, 2000
- ISIS Program List - Alphabetical and ISIS Program List - Menu Categories - Updated these two
pages with MGS/MOC programs.
- October 26, 2000
- Notes on Use of the IDL Display Programs -
Added a reference to the problems that arrise when using GNOME and IDL display
- October 20, 2000
- Frequently Asked Questions - Added an explanation
for receiving a "Not enough memory to return a STRING" error message when
processing Viking data.
- October 3, 2000
- Known Bugs - Updated with information to
correct for a bug in the make_startup script used in the August 15, 2000
ISIS release CD-ROMs.
- August 29, 2000
- Policy on Support for External ISIS
Users - The ISIS support policy has been updates for the current release.
- Frequently Asked Questions - Removed all reference
to RedHat 6.0 support.
- August 25, 2000
- ISIS Appendix E - Environment Variables -
The ISIS_FPU_CONTROL environment variable description has been added.
- August 24, 2000
- Notes on Use of the IDL Display Programs -
This page now provides a more detailed description on how to set up your display
for IDL.
- Frequently Asked Questions - Updated the list of
supported platforms.
- ISIS Installation Guide - Updated for the
August 15, 2000 release.
- August 23, 2000
- ISIS Patch Request - Removed SGI as a supported
- August 15, 2000
- August 15th, 2000 Release Notes - New
Description of updates included in this release.
- PERL development language programs have been added to ISIS in $ISISEXE.
See ISIS Release Notes - Aug 15, 2000 Release
Notes for more details.
Acquisition - Updated to allow acquiring the August 15, 2000 ISIS release.
- ISIS Patches - Removed patch links
for June 1999 ISIS Release.
- August 10, 2000
- MGS Mars Orbiter Camera Image Processing
with ISIS - This page has been updated to reflect the current state of MOC
processing capabilities.
- March 23, 2000
- Known Bugs - Updated with two new IDL 5.2
bugs concerning CV and TVTIE.
- March 21, 2000
- Voyager and Galileo SSI Image Processing with ISIS - The old Voyager page has been updated to include Galileo SSI
image processing steps.
- August 9, 1999
- MGS Mars Orbiter Camera Image Processing
with ISIS - New page that describes the current state of MOC processing
- Installation Guide - Updated to correct
error in tar command for backing up previous version of ISIS to tape.
- August 4, 1999
that describes the new ISIS Discussion email list.
- July 8, 1999
- User Feedback - Updated to remove the fill-in form. All questions/comments
should now be emailed to
- July 7, 1999
- Policy on ISIS Programming - Updated to
indicate that programming questions should be sent to
(Both questions on use of ISIS and questions on ISIS programming should now
be sent to this email address.)
- June 30, 1999
- What's New on the ISIS Web Site - New summary of additions and changes
to the ISIS web site.
- ISIS Acquisition -
Updated to allow acquiring the June 15, 1999 ISIS release.
- Policy on Support for External ISIS Users -
Important NEW page that describes our policy on support for ISIS users at
other institutions.
- ISIS Overview - Updated the list of
supported platforms.
- Frequently Asked Questions - Updated the list
of supported platforms.
- Notes on ISIS Documentation - NEW
page that includes instructions on
producing a hard-copy program reference manual and other miscellaneous
documentation notes.
- Overview of ISIS Architecture - Updated to
more accurately describe
the current state of the system, including invoking ISIS programs from
the Unix shell prompt, etc. Also added a link to the JPL VICAR documentation
page that describes the TAE Terminal Control Language (TCL), which is
use for writing procedure PDFs that automatically run a series of
application programs.
- Appendix A - Example Cube Label - Updated to
illustrate a current example of a cube label.
- Appendix B - Example Cube History - Updated to
illustrate a current example of a cube history.
- Appendix E - Environment Variables - NEW
appendix to the Overview of
ISIS Architecture that contains a summary of environment variables
that can be used to control ISIS processing.
- Appendix F - Example ISL Label - NEW appendix
that contains an example Instrument Spectral Library label.
- Appendix G - ISL Spectral Header Structure - NEW
appendix that describes the structure of the spectral headers on entries in
an Instrument Spectral Library.
- Notes on Use of IDL Display Programs - NEW
page that includes
information on required set-up for running the IDL display programs,
information on running "tvtie"/"tvimp" on smaller screens, information
on using different versions of IDL, etc.
- Display Program Summary - Updated to
include the READBACKPLANE IDL routine.
- ISIS Program List - Alphabetical -
Updated to include new programs.
- ISIS Program List - Menu Categories -
Updated to include new programs, including new category for the Mars Global
Surveyor MOC instrument.
- ISIS Spectral Libraries - NEW page that
describes available SPECPR and SPAM
format spectral libraries that can be converted to ISIS Instrument
Spectral Library (ISL) files.
- Exchanging Data with Other Software Systems -
NEW page that describes suggestions on techniques for exchanging data between
ISIS and other software systems.
- Clementine Image Processing with ISIS -
Updated to describe the programs
and PDFs that are currently being used in the system.
- Voyager and Galileo SSI Image Processing with
ISIS - Updated to describe the programs
and PDFs that are currently being used in the system. This includes the
addition of information on processing Galileo SSI data sets.
- Viking Image Processing with ISIS -
Updated to describe the programs
and PDFs that are currently being used in the system.
- June 15, 1999 Release Notes
- NEW description of updates included in this release.
- Requested Changes/Features - Updated to list
additional requests.
- Known Bugs - Updated to include new information
and to remove references to bugs that have been fixed.
- Credits and Acknowledgements - Updated to
acknowledge technology obtained from the JPL VICAR system.
- Policy on ISIS Programming - NEW page that
describes our policy on ISIS programming support.
- Programmer Documentation - NEW page
that describes available documentation on writing ISIS programs.
- Distribution and Support Policy - Updated
to describe the new distribution and support policies.
- Installation Guide - Updated for this release.
Last updated: Nov 17 2005
File: whats_new.html
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