ISIS Application Documentation
Categorical | Old vs. New | Home |
Alphabetical Listing of Applications |
algebra |
Performs algebra on either one or two cubes
amica2isis | Import PDS/FITS formatted Hayabusa image into ISIS cube |
amicacal |
Calibrates Hayabusa 1 AMICA images
apollo2isis |
Import Apollo Image
apollocal |
Calibration of Apollo 15 metric images.
apollofindrx |
Find and refine reseau points in an Apollo cube
apollopaninit |
Imports a complete (stitched) apollo panaramic image JP2 image
apollopanstitcher |
Stitches together the typically eight individual scans of an Apollo Panoramic Image
apolloremrx |
Removes Reseaus from an Apollo image
apollowarp |
Warp an image to another using control points
appjit |
Apply sample/line jitter offsets to the camera pointing of an observation
ascii2isis | Import ascii file as a cube |
automos |
Create a mosaic using a list of map projected cubes
autoregtemplate |
Create auto registration group template
autoseed |
Creates a control network for a list of images
bandnorm |
Normalize bands in a cube
bandtrim |
Propagates a NULL in any band to all other bands
barscale |
Creates a bar scale for an image
bit2bit |
Change the bit-type of pixel data
blend |
Blends a list of Level2 cubes together along the overlapping areas.
blobdump |
Program to output a selected blob out to a file
butterworth | Apply Butterworth filter for cube in fft frequency domain |
cam2cam |
Convert camera image to a different camera image
cam2map |
Convert camera image to a map projection
camcoeffs |
This program calculates TRANSX,TRANSY from TRANSS, TRANSL for iak kernels
camdev |
Creates photometric and geometric information bands for an image cube
caminfo |
Outputs a PVL file that contains camera information.
campt |
Computes geometric and photometric information at a given pixel location
camrange |
Compute the lat/lon range of a camera image
camstats |
Generates and outputs camera statistics for a cube in raw camera geometry
camtest | Perform basic camera accuracy tests |
camtrim |
Trims pixels outside of lat/lon range
cathist |
Outputs the history of a cube
catlab |
Outputs the label from a cube
catoriglab |
Outputs the original labels of a cube
center |
Compute the center of mass of a single-band cube
chan1m32isis |
Import Chandrayaan-1 Moon Mineralogy Mapper (M3) images into ISIS cubes
circle |
Trims data outside of a circle
ciss2isis |
Import a PDS Cassini ISS image file into Isis
cisscal |
Radiometric correction of Cassini ISS camera images.
ckwriter |
Generate NAIF compatible SPICE CK kernels from ISIS cubes
clem2isis |
Convert Clementine data to Isis cube
clemhirescal |
Calibrate Clementine Hires images
clemnircal |
Performs radiometric corrections on Clementine NIR images
clemnirclean |
Clean-up of Clementine NIR Images
clemnirnoise |
identifiy and remove NIR noise pattern
clemuvviscal |
Radiometric correction of Clementine UV/VIS camera images
cnet2dem |
Create a digital elevation model from one or more control network files.
cnet2mat |
Converts an Isis control network file to an ISIS2 match point file.
cnetadd |
Adds Level 1 or Level 2 images to an existing Isis Control Net file.
cnetbin2pvl |
Converts an Isis control network file from binary into pvl format.
cnetcheck |
Checks the validity of a control network
cnetcombinept |
Combine one to many control networks with common control points.
cnetdiff | Compare two control networks |
cnetedit |
Edit control networks
cneteditor |
Interactive control network editor
cnetextract |
Extracts portions of an existing Control Network
cnethist |
Generates a histogram table and plot of the r^2 Residuals of input netfiles
cnetmerge |
Merges multiple Control Networks into one
cnetnewradii |
Generate new radii from DEM for a ControlNet
cnetpvl2bin |
Converts an Isis control network file from pvl format into binary.
cnetref |
The application cnetref finds the best reference for a Control
Point based on criteria like Emission Angle or Incidence Angle or
Resolution or Interest
cnetsplit |
The application cnetsplit splits the input control network into user
specified number of control networks.
cnetstats |
The application cnetstats has the ability to generate statistics and apply
filters on a Control Network and outputs results in a specified output file
in CSV format.
cnettable |
Application to get Excel compatible statistics
cnetthinner |
Generate an updated control network with fewer points, with efficient spatial distributed across images.
cnetwinnow |
Sets problem measures to ignored based on an examination of the residual histogram.
copylabel |
Copys labels and blobs from one cube into another cube.
coreg |
Subpixel registration of a pair of images
cosi |
Apply simple photometric model
crism2isis | Import MRO CRISM PDS image cube into Isis format cube |
crop |
Extracts a sub-area from a cube
cropspecial |
Crops specified special pixels from a cube
csminit |
Attach a CSM model state to a cube.
csspckgen |
Creates a new Cassini PCK SPICE DB file for the latest date-versioned PCKs
csv2table |
Convert a CSV file to a table and attach it to a cube
ctxcal |
Radiometrically calibrates a CTX image
ctxevenodd |
Remove even/odd detector striping from MRO Ctx images
cubeatt |
Cube attribute editor
cubeavg | Averages all bands from the input cube |
cubediff |
Compare two cubes for differences
cubefunc |
This program will apply a chosen function to the input cube
cubeit |
Stacks individual cubes into one cube
cubenorm |
Normalize columns or lines in a cube
dawnfc2isis | Import PDS formatted Dawn FC EDR or RDR image cube into Isis format cube |
dawnvir2isis |
Import PDS formatted Dawn VIR EDR or RDR image cube into ISIS format cube
ddd2isis |
Import msss ddd file into Isis format
decorstretch |
Apply a Decorrelation Stretch to a cube
deltack |
Update camera pointing for a single image
dempack |
Creates an XML representation of DEM installation packs
demprep |
This program prepares DEMs for use as shape models. It is not valid to run this program on anything but a DEM.
deriv |
Apply horizontal or vertical derivative
desmear |
Remove frame transfer smear
desmile |
Resample an image to correct for spectral smile
divfilter |
Apply a spatial high pass filter to a cube (divide)
dsk2isis |
Converts NAIF DSK plate model to ISIS format
dstripe |
Remove horizontal or vertical stripes/noise from a cube
editlab | Modifies cube labels |
eis2isis |
Import Clipper EIS NAC files into ISIS format
enlarge |
Enlarge the pixel dimensions of an image
equalizer |
Tone matches map projected cubes
errors |
Parses errors from a SessionLog file
explode |
Extracts each band of a cube into a separate one band file
fakecube |
Create geometric testing cubes
fft |
Apply a Fourier Transform on a cube
fillgap |
Compute interpolations to replace special pixels.
findfeatures |
Feature-based matching algorithms used to create ISIS control networks
findgaps |
Finds the gaps in a given Cube.
findimageoverlaps |
Uses the input image footprints to find their intersections and writes these
intersections to a file for used in other programs such as autoseed.
findrx |
Find and refine reseau points in a cube
fits2isis |
Import fits files into Isis format
flip |
Flip a cube from top-to-bottom
footprintinit |
Creates a lat/lon polygon and writes it to the image
footprintmerge |
Find footprint islands, given a list of cubes
fplanemap |
Produce focal plane coordinates from control net file
framestitch |
Stitches even and odd frames from push frame cubes back into a single cube.
fx |
Apply generalized arithmetic operations using multiple cube files
gauss |
Filter a cube through a kernel using Gaussian weight
gaussstretch |
Apply a Gaussian Stretch to a cube.
getkey |
Outputs the value of a requested keyword
getsn | Prints Image Serial Number |
gllnims2isis |
Import a Galileo Near Infrared Mapping Spectrometer (NIMS) cube into ISIS cube format.
Note: This application only works with the original PDS3 archive.
This routine was created to restore the NIMS tube/gcube data and migrate to PDS4.
gllssi2isis |
Import a Galileo solid state imager (SSI) image EDR into Isis cube format
gllssical |
Perform Radiometric correction on GALILEO-SSI Imaging
gradient |
Apply Sobel or Roberts gradient to a cube
greyscale | Generate a grey scale cube |
grid |
Add a graticule or rectangular grid to the input image
handmos |
Hand place a cube into a mosaic
hi2isis |
Import HiRISE EDR images into Isis cube format
hical |
Performs radiometric calibration of HiRISE channel images
hicalbeta |
Performs radiometric calibration of HiRISE channel images
hicalproc |
Generate radiometrically (cosmetic) corrected HiRISE Channel products.
hiccdstitch |
Stitch together multiple HiRISE CCD images
hicolormos |
Create a color mosaic of HiRISE cubes and update labels (required by hirdrgen).
hicrop |
This program extracts a sub-area from a HiRise cube.
hicubeit |
Stack slithered HiRISE red, bg, and ir cubes
hicubenorm |
Normalize columns in a HiRise cube by performing a lowpass/highpass filter
hideal2pds |
Export an Isis mosaicked ideal cube from a HiRISE image to a PDS product
containing related spice data.
hidestripe |
Corrects a known striping pattern in HiRISE images.
hidtmgen |
Generates PDS products from a DTM and/or orthorectified images.
hiequal |
Tonematches a set of HiRISE cubes prior to mosaicking
hifringe |
Gathers statistics on the first and last several samples of a channel
hifurrows |
Null furrowed pixels
highpass |
Apply a spatial high pass filter to a cube
higlob |
Combines HiRISE image data with all pixel data in the blobs
hijitreg |
Characterize HiRISE image jitter with co-registration
hijitter |
Correct jitter in input cubes and output corrected undistorted cubes
himos |
Produce an output mosaic of HiRISE CCD images from the same observation and filter.
hinoise |
Perform NoiseFilter processing in the Pipeline Enviornment.
hirdr2isis | Import PDS formatted HiRISE RDR image cube into Isis format cube |
hirdrgen |
Converts HiRISE RDR cubes into PDS standard format
hisharpen |
HiSharpen uses a linear frequency domain filter to remove the minor
blur caused by the optical system of the HiRISE camera.
hist |
Generates a histogram table of cube in text format
histat |
Generates statistics about a HiRISE cube and ancillary data
histeq |
Apply histogram equalization to a cube.
histitch |
Merge a HiRISE channel pair to make a single image
histmatch |
Match histograms of 2 cubes
hrsc2isis | Import HRSC image |
hsv2rgb |
Convert HSV to RGB
hyb1pds4gen |
Convert Hayabusa1 image from from ISIS cube to PDS4 format
hyb2onc2isis | Import PDS/FITS formatted Hayabusa2 image into ISIS cube |
hyb2oncal |
Calibrates Hayabusa 2 ONC-T images. Calibration includes bias and dark current correction as
well as flat-field correction. No smear or point spread is being currently corrected (lack of
models to correct for this currently). Also, since no radiance calibration paramters could not
be determined for the individual filters, the output will be DNs (not radiance or I/F).
The wide-angle instruments, ONC-W1 and ONC-W2, do not have flat-field correction.
ifft |
Apply an Inverse Fourier Transform on a magnitude/phase pair of cubes
interestcube |
Create interest cube
ipce |
Integrated Photogrammetric Control Environment
isis2ascii | Export cube to an ascii file |
isis2fits |
Exports a cube to fits format
isis2gml |
Convert ISIS cube to GML format
isis2pds |
Convert from ISIS cube to PDS 3 or PDS 4 format
isis2raw |
Exports a cube to raw format
isis2std |
Exports a cube to PNG, BMP, TIFF, JPEG, or JPEG 2000
isiscomplete |
Outputs the completion command for any Isis application
isisdataeval |
Evaluate ISISDATA structure and validity
isisexport |
Convert from ISIS cube to another format
isisimport |
Convert from an external format, non-ISIS format using template files to an ISIS Cube.
isisminer |
Run a series of algorithms (Strategies) that perform various operations on input
sources (Resources)
isisui |
Outputs the command line of any ISIS application
jigsaw |
Improves image alignment by updating camera geometry attached to cubes.
jitterfit |
Characterize jitter for rolling shutter images.
junocam2isis | Import PDS formatted JunoCam images into ISIS cube format |
kaguyami2isis | Import PDS formatted Kaguya Multiband Imager (MI) image into Isis format |
kaguyasp2ascii |
Converts Kaguya SP (Spectral Profiler) file to a tab delimited text file
kaguyasp2isis |
Imports a Kaguya SP (Spectral Profiler) file (deprecated)
kaguyatc2isis |
Import L2B0 or L2B2 Kaguya TC image to ISIS cube.
kerneldbgen |
Creates a database of kernels
kernfilter |
Filter a cube through a kernel
kuwahara |
Filter a cube, smoothing but preserving edges
leisa2isis |
Import New Horizons LEISA files into ISIS format
lineeq |
This program will normalize a cube based on line averages.
lo2isis |
Import an Isis 2 Lunar Orbiter image file into Isis.
lopdsgen |
Convert from Isis Lunar Orbiter cubes to the PDS format
lorri2isis |
Import New Horizons LORRI files into ISIS format
lowpass |
Apply lowpass or blurring filter to a cube
lrolola2isis |
Imports LIDAR data from LRO LOLA instrument.
lromakeflat |
Create a flat-field image for line-scan, push-frame, and framing instruments
lronac2isis |
Import an LROC NAC image as an Isis cube
lronac2pds |
Convert from cube to pds format
lronaccal |
Radiometrically calibrates a LROC NAC image
lronacecho |
Removes echo effects from a LRO NAC image
lronacpho |
Apply general LROC NAC photometric correction to multiband cubes
lrowac2isis |
Import LRO WAC EDR images to ISIS cube format
lrowac2pds |
Convert from cube to PDS IMG format
lrowaccal |
This program calibrates LRO WAC images
lrowacpho |
Apply Hillier or Exponential photometric correction to multiband cubes
lrowacphomap |
Apply Hapke bidirectional reflectance model photometric correction to multiband cubes
m3loc2net |
Creates a control network containing ground points either using a Chandrayaan LOC file
or the image camera for lat/lon/radii values.
makecube | Generate a cube with a constant value |
makeflat |
Create a flat-field image for line-scan instruments
map2cam |
Convert map projected image to a raw camera image
map2map |
Modify a cube's map projection
mapgrid |
Produces a user defined cartographic graticule (latitude/longitude grid) in
GML form.
maplab |
Add Mapping group to the labels of a cube
mapmos |
Create a mosaic using map projected cubes
mappt |
Outputs latitude/longitude at line/sample or reverse
mapsize |
Compute size or scale of map
maptemplate |
Create map file template for a projection
maptrim |
Trim edges of a map projected image
mar102isis |
Convert Mariner10 images to Isis cubes.
mar10cal |
Radiometrically calibrates a Mariner10 image
mar10clean |
Clean-up application for Mariner10 images
mar10nonoise |
Noise removal from Mariner10 images
mar10restore |
Restoration of Mariner10 compress images
marci2isis |
Import an MRO MARCI image to an Isis cube
marcical |
This program calibrates MARCI images
marciflip |
Flip the framelets on an MRO MARCI image
mask |
Set pixels to NULL using a mask cube
mat2cnet |
Converts an ISIS2 match point file to an ISIS control network file.
mdis2isis |
Import MESSENGER/MDIS EDR/RDR products into ISIS cubes
mdis2pds |
Exports a Messenger cube back into PDS format
mdiscal |
Calibrates MESSENGER/MIDS EDR/RDR products
mdisddr |
Creates a MESSENGER DDR PDS product from an MDIS image
mdisedrinfo |
Computes MESSENGER/MDIS EDR geometric keyword values
mdisproc |
Runs a raw Messenger cube through ingestion and calibration
median |
Set pixels to median of surrounding pixel values
mer2isis |
Import a Mer PDS image to Isis cube format
messckgen |
messspkgen |
mical |
Radiometrically calibrates a Mars Exploration Rover (MER)
Microscopic Imager(MI) image
mimap2isis | Import PDS formatted Kaguya MI MAP file to ISIS cube format |
minmax |
Apply a minimum or maximum filter to a cube
mirror |
Flip a cube from left-to-right
moc2isis |
Import PDS formatted MOC image cube into Isis format cube
moccal |
Radiometrically calibrates a MOC image
mocevenodd |
Remove even/odd detector striping
mocgap |
Fix data gap in MOC images
mocnoise50 |
Removes noise from MOC narrow angle images
mocproc |
Processes a MOC image through Levels 0, 1, and/or 2
mocuncompress |
Uncompresses moc EDR data files
mode |
Set pixels to mode of surrounding pixel values
mosrange |
Compute the lat/lon range of a set of camera images for mosaicking
mrf2isis | Import PDS formatted MiniRF level 1 or level 2 image cube into Isis format cube |
mrf2pds | Export a Mini-RF isis cube to a pds image |
mroctx2isis |
Import an MRO CTX image as an Isis cube
msi2isis |
Import NEAR MSI files into ISIS format
mvic2isis |
Import New Horizons MVIC files into Isis format
mvstats |
Generate multivariate Statistics for a cube
nirs2isis |
Import Hayabusa NIRS FITS files into ISIS format
nocam2map |
Map project a cube without a camera model
noisefilter |
Apply a noise removal filter to a cube
noproj |
Removes camera distortions in a raw level 1 cube creating an ideal version of the cube.
noseam | Create a mosaic with little to no seams using a list of map projected
cubes |
ocams2isis |
Import OSIRIS-REx Camera Suite (OCAMS) files into ISIS format
outline |
Outlines contiguous regions in a cube
overlapstats | Calculates the statistics of overlapping cube regions |
pad |
Add NULL padding around a cube
pca |
Apply Principal Component Analysis on a cube
pds2hideal |
Reimport an exported hirise PDS product to an Isis Ideal camera.
pds2isis | Import PDS or ISIS2 image into ISIS cube format |
percent |
Obtains the DN value at a percent in a histogram
phocube |
Create photometric and geometric information bands for an image cube
phoempglobal |
Fit empirical photometric functions to a Hapke model at several phase angles
phoemplocal |
Fit empirical photometric functions to Hapke model at a single point
phohillier |
Apply Hillier photometric correction to multiband cubes
photemplate |
Create a PVL template for photometric correction
photomet |
Perform photometric corrections on a cube
photrim |
Trims pixels outside of phase, incidence, and emission angles
pixel2map |
Convert camera image to a map projection using a forward driven algorithm
pointreg |
Automatically register control measures to their point's reference
poly |
Perform polynomial algebra on cube
prtloganalyzer |
Analyze program execution efficiency in ISIS print.prt logs
pvldiff | Compare two pvl files |
qmos |
Display and analyze cube footprints
qnet |
Create and edit control networks
qtie |
Update camera pointing (SPICE) on a single cube
qview |
Display and analyze cubes
ratio |
Divide two cubes
raw2isis |
Import raw cube into Isis format
reduce |
Reduce the pixel dimensions of an image
remrx |
Removes Reseaus from an image
rgb2hsv |
Convert RGB to HSV
ringsautomos |
Create a mosaic using a list of map projected cubes
ringscam2map |
Convert camera image to a map projection
ringsmappt |
Outputs ring radius/longitude at line/sample or reverse
ringspt |
Outputs ring radius/longitude at line/sample or reverse for Cassini images of Saturn rings
rolo2isis | Import isis2 rolo image into isis |
rososiris2isis |
Import PDS formatted Rosetta OSIRIS image into an ISIS cube
rosvirtis2isis |
Import PDS formatted Rosetta VIRTIS image into an ISIS cube.
rotate |
Rotates a cube any number of degrees
seedgrid |
Creates a control network for a Lat/Lon range
segment | Divides a cube object into multiple output cubes in the line direction. |
shade |
Create shaded-relief cube from topographic cube
shadow |
Create a high accuracy hillshade with shadow casting
shadowtau |
Estimate optical depth (tau) using information from shadow measurements
sharpen |
Sharpen the features in a cube
sigmastretch |
Apply a Sigma Stretch to a cube.
skymap |
Convert camera image to a skymap projection
skypt |
Converts between sample/line and ra/ dec positions
skyrange |
Compute the ra/dec range of a camera image
slither |
Computes a transformation to shift entire lines or samples
slpmap |
Create slope, aspect, or percent slope data cube.
smtk |
Generate a digital elevation map (DEM) from two images using the Stereo
Matcher ToolKit (SMTK)
socetframesettings |
Create a SOCET SET Framing Camera or USGSAstro FrameOffAxis settings file.
socetlinescankeywords |
Create the Line Scanner Sensor section of a SOCET Set Line Scanner support file
specadd |
Adds special pixels from a match cube to an input cube
specdivfilter |
Apply a spectral division filter
spechighpass |
Apply a spectral high pass filter to a cube
speclowpass |
Apply spectral low pass filter to a cube
specpix |
Replace user specified pixels with Isis special pixel values
spicefit |
Fit a function to camera pointing
spiceinit |
Update SPICE data (kernels, pointing, and position) for a camera cube
spiceserver |
Spiceinit Server
spkwriter |
Generate NAIF compatible SPICE SPK kernels from ISIS cubes
stats |
Generates statistics about a cube
std2isis |
Imports a cube from PNG, JPEG, JP2, BMP or TIFF format
stretch |
Remaps pixel values in a cube
sumspice |
Update ISIS start times, pointing and spacecraft position with Gaskell SPC
svfilter |
Apply a variance or standard deviation filter to a cube
table2cube |
Converts a table to a cube
tabledump |
Program to output a selected table to a file
tagcams2isis |
Import OSIRIS-REx TAGCAMS images into ISIS format
tgocassis2isis |
Imports a PDS4-formatted CaSSIS image into an ISIS-formatted cube.
tgocassismos |
Produce an output mosaic of TGO CaSSIS images from the same observation and filter.
tgocassisrdrgen |
Converts CaSSIS cubes into PDS 4 standard format
tgocassisstitch |
Stitch together multiple TGO CaSSIS framelets into full frame images.
tgocassisunstitch |
Unstitch a TGO CaSSIS full frame image into several TGO CaSSIS framelets.
thm2isis |
Import a Themis IR/VIS RDR or EDR
thmbasemap1 |
Mars Odyssey Themis RDR image cleanup
thmdriftcor |
Apply thermal drift correction to THEMIS images
thmnoseam |
Smooths the transitions between framelets.
thmproc |
Runs a Themis cube through the processing for levels 0 and/or 2
thmvisflat |
This program applies a flat field correction to Themis VIS Images
thmvistrim |
Trims data from framelets on Themis Vis images
tonematch |
Matches the tone of two, single-band images
trackextract |
Removes the tracking band from a mosaic and places it into a new tracking cube.
translate |
Translate an image by given sample and line translation values
trim |
Trim edges of input cube
trimfilter |
Apply a trim filter to a cube
uncrop |
Puts a sub-cube back into its parent cube
vdcomp |
Uncompresses Voyager and Viking PDS files
vicar2isis |
Import Vicar image file into Isis format
vik2isis |
Import PDS formatted Viking EDR into Isis format cube
vikcal |
Radiometric correction of VIKING Planetary images
vikclean |
Clean-up of Viking Orbiter Level 1 images
vikfixtrx |
Fix null tracks in a Viking image plane
viknobutter |
Final step of Viking Orbiter Level 1 image clean-up
viknonoodle |
Remove periodic noise from a Viking image
viknopepper |
Pepper noise Clean-up of Viking Orbiter Level 1 images
viknosalt |
Initial Clean-up of Viking Orbiter Level 1 images
vims2isis |
Converts Vims images to Isis format
vimscal |
Radiometric correction of Cassini VIMS camera images.
voy2isis |
Import PDS formatted Voyager EDR into Isis format cube
voycal |
Radiometric correction of Voyager 1 and 2 planetary images
voyramp |
Corrects Voyager 1 Io images from plasma torus irradiation
warp |
Warp an image using a Control Network
U.S. Department of the Interior | U.S. Geological Survey ISIS | Privacy & Disclaimers | Astrogeology Research Program To contact us, please post comments and questions on the USGS Astrogeology Discussion Board To report a bug, or suggest a feature go to: ISIS Github File Modified: 02/21/2025 19:28:02 |